The invention discloses a sandwich structure of Ag/rGO nano composite material and a preparation method thereof. The composite material by AgNO3/GO by glucose and reducing silver and graphene, the silver nanoparticles doped with graphene layer structure, in which glucose is used as auxiliary reducing agent, which due to the activity of aldehyde groups, the formation of Ag+ Ag crystal a graphene oxide and modified first aldehyde, which formed the Ag C chemical bond; the addition of glucose to increase Ag and the reduction of graphene oxide to graphene, due to its noble metal bonding products obtained Ag@rGO nano composite sandwich structure. At the same time, the reduction of the charge recombination can be suppressed by the reduction of graphene oxide as a good conductor. As a non carbon particle entry layer, the interlayer distance between graphene will increase, resulting in the weakening of the interlayer fan Edward force, resulting in the weakening of the interlayer fan Edward force, thus reducing the possibility of agglomeration. At the same time, the reduction activity of p-nitrophenol was greatly enhanced by the sandwich of the composite and the high specific area of rGO, in which silver was used as a reducing agent.
自二十世纪以来,随着科技的不断进步和发展,造成了一系列的后果,比如全球的污染和能源的危机。人类的繁衍和生存已受到严重的威胁,比如全球变暖,臭氧层破坏等等,然而潜在的威胁不止于此。所以保护和治理环境已成为各国的共同心声。化学污染作为环境污染中最严重问题,其严重破坏水资源、土壤和大气,然而一般处理污染方法包括:物理吸附法,化学氧化法等手段。虽然这些处理的方法对环境治理有一定的帮助意义,然而存在一定的弊端比如:效率低下,产生二次污染,适用范围较小或者是成本太高。因此开发出高效低能耗、将污染彻底清除的新技术一直成为研究者们探索的焦点。传统的催化剂通常情况下为贵金属催化剂,这些贵金属催化剂虽然表现出较为优良的催化活性,但是由于贵金属催化剂的可回收性低下,因此严重制约了其进一步发展和实际应用。石墨烯作为一种易合成的导电高分子材料,可以通过机械剥离法,化学气相沉淀法,氧化-还原法等制备。同时其拥有高比表面积,强机械以及导电性能在在太阳能电池,光催化,以及制氢储氢方面得到了广泛的应用,其中主要是从对环境的影响方面着手。同时由于石墨烯高的比表面积以及其特殊性质,石墨烯可以作为一种良好吸附剂,研究表明:石墨烯对水中金属离子通过静电吸附作用对重金属具有较强吸附,同时对有机染料(如MO,MB)也表现出较强的吸附亲和力。但是由于石墨烯存在范德华力,使其容易发生团聚现象。本专利技术的目的是针对现有技术的不足 ...