A two stage driving bicycle rear axle planetary gear transmission, the gear and the flywheel for fastening the driving wheel and the driven gear and planetary driving gear and sun gear shaft meshed; planetary driven gear mounted on the shaft through the bearing, the shaft and the rear wheel axle tube flower disc is fixed; the sun gear shaft and frame fastening together. The driving wheel passes the torque to the moving wheel, and the moving wheel moves around the gear axis at the same time, and passes the torque to the back wheel of the bicycle. Because the internal tooth gear tooth number, driven gear and gear shaft with less number of teeth, when the inner gear ring main driving wheel, a driven wheel gear in planetary shaft multi circle around the gear ratio. Therefore, the rear axle transmission can greatly improve the bicycle transmission ratio, plus chain drive, and form a two stage drive fast bicycle.
为了不增加蹬车频率而又能提高骑行速度,本技术设计了自行车后轴行星齿轮变速器,就是利用行星齿轮结构紧凑、质量小、体积小、传动比大的特点,在现有自行车的传动后轴上增加一组齿轮传动机构,放大传动比,加上链条传动,构成二级传动快速自行车。本技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是:后轴变速器采用行星齿轮变速机构,由一个大的外侧接飞轮的内齿轮、三个行星齿轮、一个恒星齿轮构成。内齿主动轮与飞轮紧固,从动齿轮通过轴承安装于轴上,其轴与后轴筒花盘固定;后轴为齿轮轴,一端稍扁安装于车架后轮卡槽,用螺丝紧固在车架上,保证其固定不会转动。当后轴恒星齿轮轴与车架紧固不动时,在与飞轮紧固的内齿轮为主动轮的驱动下,从动的行星齿轮与主动轮啮合的同时又与恒星齿轮轴啮合;行星齿轮通过轴承安装于轴上,在自转的同时绕恒星齿轮公转。行星齿轮公转代表后轮转动,从而实现从飞轮到车轮的扭矩传递。当主动齿轮顺时针转动,从动齿轮也顺时针转动,从动齿轮自转的同时绕齿轮轴圆周运动,带动后轮顺时针转动。由于内齿主动轮齿数多,包裹在其内部的从动齿轮及齿轮轴齿数少,因此,当主动内齿轮转动一圈时,从动齿轮可以绕中心齿轮轴公转多圈,从而达到增加传动比加速的目的。此为一级传动,加上原有的链条传动 ...