The utility model discloses a grinding system for air carbon production, including a jet mill, also includes a pretreatment system, the pretreatment system includes an atmosphere atmosphere box, box with a feeding tube, the top box is provided with a gas atmosphere, atmosphere of the side surface is provided with a box the inlet, the atmosphere box bottom is provided with a discharge port on the bottom surface of the atmosphere box for an outlet guide plate inclined; the material outlet and a material guide pipe, the guide pipe comprises a heating pipe, a feeding pipe is communicated with a cooling set barrel; the central cooling aggregate barrel is provided with a dry ice blasting pipe, the feeding pipe of the discharge opening into the cooling aggregate in the barrel, the top of the cooling barrel set with an exhaust pipe, the exhaust pipe of the tank with an air inlet communicated with the atmosphere; the cooling aggregate to the bottom of the barrel inverted cone The bottom part of the utility model is provided with a cylindrical collecting hopper, which is fed through the material pipe to the pneumatic mill. The device is an environment-friendly and efficient grinding system.
气流磨作为超细粉碎的一种重要设备,广泛应用于非金属矿物及化工原料的超细粉碎,产品粒度上限取决于混合气流中的固体含量,与单位能耗成反比。气流粉碎产品除粒度细以外,还具有粒度分布窄,颗粒表面光滑、颗粒形状规则,纯度高、活性大、分散性好等特点。由于粉碎过程中压缩气体绝热膨胀产生焦耳-汤姆逊降温效应,因而还适用于低熔点、热敏性物料的超细粉碎。下面就气流磨分类及粉碎原理作一介绍。气流磨的一般原理:将干燥无油的压缩空气或过热蒸汽通过喷嘴高速喷出,高速射流带动物料作高速运动,使物料碰撞,摩擦而粉碎。被粉碎的物料随气流到达分级区,达到细度要求的物料,最终由收集器收集。没有达到要求的物料,再返回粉碎室继续粉碎,直到达到所需细度并被捕集为止。由于喷嘴附近速度梯度很高,因此绝大多数的粉碎作用发生在喷嘴附近。在粉碎室中,颗粒与颗粒间碰撞的频率远远高于颗粒与器壁的碰撞。也即气流磨中的主要粉碎作用是颗粒之间的冲击或摩擦。超细石墨粉体材料是八十年代中期才开始发展起来的一种高新技术材料,其用途非常广泛。但现有的专门应用于石墨粉制备的气流磨非常少。现有技术中,中国专利:CN201520637318.0,公告号:CN204974092U,名称“一种制备高纯度是魔都额超细高压研磨装置”,披露的一种气流磨。由于石墨是层状材料,且材质比较软,粉磨中容易团聚。其利用射线照射石墨,将碳碳原子之间的结合键打断以便于石墨的破碎和粉磨。但是放射线的发射耗电量非常大,而且射线对人体的危害极大,若加装防护 ...