The utility model discloses a high precision high speed bearing grinding device, which, under the fixed plate is arranged on the support, the support plate is arranged on the lower fixed plate, the lower grinding disc mounted on the spindle, vibration is sleeved on the spindle, mounted on the spindle lock nut, the cylinder is arranged on the lower grinding disc. On the fixed plate is arranged on the support plate, nut mounted on the mounting hole of the fixing plate, screw mounted on the nut, locking nut installed in the screw, install lock nut and lock nut on the screw nut at the top end of the plane, the force transmission is installed in the screw hole is fixed on the nail plate, the upper end of the spring is mounted on the dowel pin, the lower end of the spring is installed on the lower spring seat, the grinding plate is installed on the lower spring seat on the bottom surface of the workpiece, is installed on the lower grinding disc and on lap, even under the shaft mounted on the spindle, On the joint through a connecting head and a screw connected with the lower joint, the main shaft is installed in the mounting holes on the fixed plate through the upper bearing.
本技术所要解决的技术问题在于针对上述现有技术中的不足,公开了一种高精度高速轴承研磨装置,其传动平稳,无传动振动,加压平稳,压力可调,研磨盘更换方便,圆弧槽的制造精度易于控制,精度高。本技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是:一种高精度高速轴承研磨装置,包括支座、下固定板、隔套、支撑板、圆柱筒、丝杠、锁紧螺母、下锁紧螺母、螺母、传力钉、主轴、上连轴节、连接头、下连轴节、上轴承、上锁紧螺母、上固定板、弹簧、下弹簧座、上研磨盘、工件、下研磨盘、定位销和下轴承;所述下固定板通过定位销和螺钉固定安装在支座上,左侧所述支撑板通过螺钉固定安装在下固定板左侧面上,右侧所述支撑板通过螺钉固定安装在下固定板右侧面上,所述下轴承外圈安装在下固定板的安装孔里,所述下轴承内圈安装在主轴上,所述下研磨盘通过键连接安装在主轴上且下研磨盘底面顶在主轴台阶上,所述隔套套在主轴上且隔套底面顶在下研磨盘的顶面上,所述锁紧螺母安装在主轴上且锁紧螺母底面顶在隔套的顶面上,所述圆柱筒通过螺钉固定安装在下研磨盘上,所述上固定板通过螺钉安装在支撑板上,所述螺母安装在上固定板 ...
一种高精度高速轴承研磨装置,其特征在于:包括支座、下固定板、隔套、支撑板、圆柱筒、丝杠、锁紧螺母、下锁紧螺母、螺母、传力钉、主轴、上连轴节、连接头、下连轴节、上轴承、上锁紧螺母、上固定板、弹簧、下弹簧座、上研磨盘、工件、下研磨盘、定位销和下轴承;所述下固定板通过定位销和螺钉固定安装在支座上,左侧所述支撑板通过螺钉固定安装在下固定板左侧面上,右侧所述支撑板通过螺钉固定安装在下固定板右侧面上,所述下轴承外圈安装在下固定板的安装孔里,所述下轴承内圈安装在主轴上,所述下研磨盘通过键连接安装在主轴上且下研磨盘底面顶在主轴台阶上,所述隔套套在主轴上且隔套底面顶在下研磨盘的顶面上,所述锁紧螺母安装在主轴上且锁紧螺母底面顶在隔套的顶面上,所述圆柱筒通过螺钉固定安装在下研磨盘上,所述上固定板通过螺钉安装在支撑板上,所述螺母安装在上固定板的安装孔里,所述丝杠安装在螺母上且丝杠底部安装在上研磨盘上,所述上锁紧螺母安装在丝杠上且上锁紧螺母顶在螺母的顶面上,所述下锁紧螺母安装在丝杠上且下锁紧螺母顶在螺母的底面上,所述传力钉安装在上固定板的螺纹孔里,所述弹簧上端安装在传力钉上,所述弹簧下端安装在下弹簧座上,所述上 ...