The utility model relates to a built-in type photovoltaic Trombe wall, including a transparent cover plate, photovoltaic panels, PCM transformation is set by the outgoing sequence within the storage wall insulation board, on the wall, the left side plate tightly PCM PCM photovoltaic panels, air flow channel is formed between the plate and the wall on the right side PCM insulation thermal in upper and lower air flow passages are respectively arranged on the outdoor air, indoor air vents are respectively arranged in the wall insulation layer down position. In the winter, close on the outdoor air, indoor air vents open, the photovoltaic cell can send the Dentsu can generate heat into the indoor heating or by PCM phase change material absorption; in the summer, closed indoor air and outdoor air vents open, PV power generation, part of the back of the heat absorbed by the material or the air flow air flow away PCM phase change, thereby cooling the photovoltaic cell. The utility model has the advantages of relative photovoltaic battery built-in Trombe wall with existing photovoltaic power generation efficiency is high, not easy to heat, heat utilization of the advantages of high efficiency, but also the antifreeze.
1966年提出的特隆布(Trombe)墙是以法国科学家FelixTrombe的名字命名的,自此国内外学者对其已经持续了半个世纪的研究。传统特隆布墙是以透明盖板、空气流道、上下挡板、上下风口和集热墙组成。特隆布墙的工作原理;在白天,表面涂黑的集热墙吸收太阳光,加热空气流道的空气,受热空气会通过虹吸力的作用会自下而上流动,经上风口流入室内加热房间空气,同时也有部分热量通过南向墙体导热传入室内供暖;夜间,储存在南墙的热量会缓慢释放到室内,保证室内温度在白天与夜间不会波动太大。特隆布墙经过半个世纪的发展,有了广泛的应用并有了很多的改进方案,如在集热墙后增加保温层,可以减少夏季的室内的热负荷。但是其存在功能单一、外观不美观的缺点,极大影响了其推广和应用。目前,国内有一些与特隆布墙相关的光热或光伏利用专利,如CN1944829A公开了一种光伏被动采暖系统,将光伏电池与特隆布墙结合的光电光热综合利用系统。对于光伏发电技术,照射到光伏电池的太阳光80%未转化为电能,而是转化成热能,光伏电池片的温度会因之上升,降低其光电转化效率。在这种光伏被动采暖系统中,光伏电池利用层压技术层压在特隆布墙的透明盖板背面,可通过透明盖板和集热墙体之间的空气流道内的空气流动带走光伏电池表面的热量,光伏电池温度会因之下降,提高光伏电池的发电功率;在透明盖板上层压光伏电池,可使特隆布墙的外观更漂亮。这种光伏电池与传统特隆布墙结合的光伏被动 ...