The invention discloses a nine foot board pallet, including on the bottom bulge has nine feet to form a field shape and distribution as a whole structure of nine feet and nine feet of pallets pallets, nine feet with the floor, the corresponding installation is provided in the nine legs and the bottom plate between the steel tube, set the feet and on the bottom of the cover plate with a pin, and through the floor, feet, and nine feet six pin board angle installation screws; recessed groove inward from the foot to the top of the bottom cover plate matched with the groove and the installation pin is inserted into the groove; the feet at the bottom of a foot slot. The bottom plate is arranged at the top of the slot, the steel pipe is installed on the supporting foot card slot and the slot is formed between the bottom floor is arranged at the top of the corresponding installation closely; leg and foot bottom position to insert groove is installed on the bottom floor of the floor; Part of the slot is placed in the groove position of the floor. The nine - foot plate tray is simple in structure, reasonable in design, convenient in use, high in strength and low in cost.
托盘是用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置。作为与集装箱类似的一种集装设备,托盘现已广泛应用于生产、运输、仓储和流通等领域。托盘作为物流运作过程中重要的装卸、储存和运输设备,与叉车配套使用在现代物流中发挥着巨大的作用。托盘给现代物流业带来的效益主要体现在:可以实现物品包装的单元化、规范化和标准化,保护物品,方便物流和商流。由于托盘作业效率高、安全稳定,使用率越来越大。在现有技术中,托盘基本都是采用PP注塑而成,同时在托盘的面板底部灯设置塑料加强筋,这样就形成了一个完整的托盘结构。而其中PP注塑的托盘由带增高砥柱的面板、纵向连接增高砥柱的底板、封闭相邻增高砥柱之间形成开口的塑料封塞这三部分塑料部件组成,而这三部分的塑料部件都是一体注塑形成托盘,即整个托盘都是一体式结构,连同加强筋也一起注塑成型才能达到加强的目的。另外,这类托盘的整体采用一体注塑,虽然在加强强度上有一定的作用,但托盘不能进行分拆,在运输托盘的过程中会占用较大的体积和空闲不使用时也占用体积,不能很好地节省运输成本和场地面积。虽然,也有一些能够分拆面板和底板的结构出现,但这类托盘结构的面板是带有增高砥柱的(实心结构),即底板和增高砥柱是一体注塑成型的,增高砥柱一般设置有9个,在分拆时,底板之间是不能进行叠加堆放的(因为增高砥柱的位置限制,增高砥柱不能套合),这同样解决不了上述的问题。另外,现有的托盘采用PP注塑,其成本虽然较低,但整体耐用性低,托盘的面板和底板单纯采用塑料材质 ...