The invention relates to a bottle with anti Straw hot ball limiting valve, the Straw milk channel in the center of the ball is provided with the flow limiting valve, the flow limiting valve consists of a valve body and a piston rod type valve core, a spiral shape memory alloy spring and spiral stainless steel spring, the valve body is made up of the valve body and valve body, on the upper part of the valve body is provided with a water outlet, under the lower part of the valve body is provided with a water inlet, Unicom milk passage of the water outlet and the water inlet and the bottle; the spool moves with the elastic change of shape memory alloy and stainless steel spring spring; when the temperature is higher than the transition temperature of the shape memory alloy spring, spool move to the closed position the milk channel is opened; when the temperature is lower than the phase transition temperature of the shape memory alloy spring when the spool moves to the open position the milk channel Unicom . The milk bottle with the technical scheme can prevent the scald of the mouth with high temperature milk.
1963年,美国海军军械研究所的比勒在研究工作中发现,在高于室温较多的某温度范围内,把一种镍-钛合金丝烧成弹簧,然后在冷水中把它拉直或铸成正方形、三角形等形状,再放在40℃以上的热水中,该合金丝就恢复成原来的弹簧形状。后来陆续发现,某些其他合金也有类似的功能。这一类合金被称为形状记忆合金。每种以一定元素按一定重量比组成的形状记忆合金都有一个转变温度;在这一温度以上将该合金加工成一定的形状,然后将其冷却到转变温度以下,人为地改变其形状后再加热到转变温度以上,该合金便会自动地恢复到原先在转变温度以上加工成的形状。形状记忆合金是能将自身的塑性变形在某一特定温度下自动恢复为原始形状的特种合金,其基本特征是具有形状记忆效应,即记忆合金在确定温度范围内,形状发生变化,同时产生回复应力。只对高温母相的形状具有记忆的现象称为单程形状记忆效应,同时还能够对低温马氏体相的形状具有记忆的现象称为双程形状记忆效应。利用这种性能,可将形状记忆合金作为热敏元件,实现驱动功能。镍钛合金是一种形状记忆合金,它的伸缩率在20%以上,阻尼特性比普通的弹簧高10倍,其耐腐蚀性优于目前最好的医用不锈钢,因此可以满足各类工程和医学的应用需求,是一种非常优秀的功能材料。形状记忆合金制成的弹簧放在热水中,弹簧的长度立即伸长,再放到冷水中,它会立即恢复原状。利用形状记忆合金弹簧可以控制浴室水管的水温:在热水温度过高时通过"记忆"功能,调节或关闭供水管道,避免烫伤。申请号为CN2012105 ...