A push-pull type medical infusion needle joint, including infusion needle head and infusion needle joint, the infusion needle head is connected with the infusion needle thread, infusion needle connected with the push rod joint, the push rod is arranged inside the transfusion tube, a transfusion connecting and Ruhr pipe joints, the utility model has the advantages of simple structure, easy to the operation, infusion needle head from needle joint through hole into the closed extrusion glue make two pieces of rubber deformation and its deformation both closed with an infusion channel can be formed after infusion; closed loop using multilayer closed loop structure, ensure the sealing of the spiral pipe infusion space, effectively prevent fluid leakage, stop after infusion, twist out infusion needle head, a sealing rubber elastic deformation reduction, the formation of vacuum sealing reset, the blood pumping into the catheter, and the utility model in the blood pumping into the catheter can promote needle free transmission Joint fluid, so that putting forward the inflow of blood vessels to prevent thrombosis of oppression, and the utility model adopts the standard luer universal, applicable to all common straight type and Y type indwelling needle, can make the common anti thrombus function with indwelling needle, greatly reduce the waste rate of common needle indwelling needle, save the patients the cost, at the same time, the development trend of infusion needle is intravenous infusion.
在临床医疗上,当患者需要多次输液时,通常会使用体外留置导管,人体外留置导管与输液器的驳接方式分为有针和无针驳接。现有技术中的一种有针驳接方式,医用输液接头由连接座以及与其固接的接头体组成,这种接头体通常又称为肝素帽。输液器针管从接头体顶部的密封胶塞插入。输液终了拔出输液器针管的同时,针管原占据的空间接近真空从而在留置导管内产生负压,血液会从血管倒流进留置导管内,倒流血液造成血液凝固堵塞留置导管,无法再次输液,严重的可能产生血栓,给病患造成伤害。因此,医务人员通常需要取一支带有穿刺针管的封管注射器对留置导管进行冲洗封管,封管操作时注射器针管从肝素帽胶塞穿入,进入肝素帽内腔,必然占据肝素帽内腔空间,而封管结束时,医务人员需要边撤出注射器针管边推注封管液,添补针管占据的空间,以免在留置导管内形成负压。这种操作繁琐且仍然会残留封管液最终无法填补的空间,负压仍会产生,为了弥补这种不足,习惯上在别上止流夹夹紧延长管后,霈要将止流夹往导管组件方向滑动,令延长管逐渐被挤压,将延长管内液体挤入留置导管内腔,赶出倒流血液,但止流夹与延长管夹紧时滑动阻力大,拉拔延长管,易将延长管拉长变细,导管组件在留置期间,经多次拉拔,严重的会拉断延长管而造成溢血,加上导管组件留置粘贴在病患身体上,延长管长度有限,要是拉拔不慎,会将导管组件拉脱离病患身体,为了避免上述事故发生,医务人员操作时谨小慎微,有时止流夹拉拔长度不够,还是不能完全保证将导管内血液驱赶干净,故这种操作方式无形 ...