An electroluminescent device of solar water heater overheating spot color phase change, including cylindrical lens condenser, vacuum tube, phase change medium, aluminum groove wall, suction belt, water heater substrate, heat exchanger, heat pipe fin, heat insulation plug, Aluminum Alloy frame, reinforced with a small platform, cold water pipe hot water, pipe, insulation materials, temperature sensors, electrochromic material shading plate, controller, photovoltaic panels; which is characterized in that the electrochromic material shading plate is fixed on the Aluminum Alloy border, is just above the cylindrical concentrator, the internal temperature sensor placed in the vacuum tube, fully contact with the phase change material, when the temperature of phase change materials higher than the set temperature, the temperature sensor transmits the pulse signal, the controller of electro positive voltage applied to electrochromic materials shade, electrochromic materials through a shading plate Ming into a dark, reduce the heat of phase change material of solar energy, when the temperature of the phase change material is lower than the set temperature, the temperature sensor sends a signal controller for the electro reverse voltage applied to electrochromic materials shading plate, make electrochromic materials by dark shading plate become transparent, make full use of solar energy.
本专利技术涉及一种太阳能热水器,特别是涉及一种电致变色相变蓄热的防过热聚光太阳能热水器装置。技术背景在全球能源紧张、气候恶化,严重威胁经济发展和人们生活健康的今天,世界各国都在寻求新的能源替代战略,以求得可持续发展和在发展中获取优势地位。随着人们节能环保意识的不断加强,太阳能热水器以其安全、节能、环保、卫生、经济,等显著优势,迅速赢得了广大消费者的青睐。目前常见的太阳能热水器包括集热器、保温水箱、连接管道和支架,保温水箱设置在支架的顶端,集热器设置在支架的前侧,集热器中的真空管倾斜插装在支架前侧下部的托盒和保温水箱之间,连接管道设置在集热器及保温水箱内,用以将热水从集热器输送到保温水箱、将冷水从保温水箱输送到集热器,这种太阳能热水器的缺点是,含保温水箱,使得热水器体积大,安装不方便,而且受天气或季节变化影响大,供热不稳定。另一种现有技术是中国专利申请2001310550981.2披露的“一种电致变色相变蓄热的聚光太阳能热水器装置”,包括柱面透镜聚光器,真空集热管,相变介质,铝槽壁,热水器基板,换热管,铝合金外边框,加强筋,小平台,冷水母管,热水母管。柱面透镜聚光器覆盖在真空集热管的最上方,入射到柱面透镜聚光器的光线汇聚成一条光焦带。柱面透镜聚光器的下部与热水器基板上的铝槽壁相连,两铝槽壁组成两个互成角度对立的平面镜,经过聚光器折射的光线,一部分汇聚投射到在下部的真空集热管上,另一部分没有投射到真空集热管的光线经铝槽壁平面镜反射后投射到真空集热管上,真空集热管内部装有相变材料和U型换热管,热水器基板上设有 ...