The utility model relates to a low frequency and heavy asynchronous motor soft start device, comprising a three-phase anti parallel thyristor valve, thyristor trigger circuit, optical isolation, controller, touch screen, voltage transformer, current transformer, a contactor and filter 2. Three-phase anti parallel thyristor valve and contactor in series, and then another contactor in parallel, parallel connection circuit is formed to control the motor, the other end is connected with the current transformer; voltage transformer and current transformer are used to measure the voltage and current, and the measurement result is inputted to the input terminal of the controller, the controller; optical fiber isolation, thyristor trigger circuit and three-phase anti parallel thyristor valve are sequentially connected; an output end of the controller is connected with a filter, an input connected with the output end of the touch screen. At the same time, the utility model in the starting current limiting motor effectively increases the starting torque of the motor, the motor overload start to meet demand, and the implementation of low cost, high reliability.
:针对以上缺点和不足,本技术设计了一种异步电动机低频重载软启动装置,通过改变电动机的端电压和频率,使电动机具有更小的启动电流和更大的启动转矩,使本技术低频重载软启动装置同时具有启动电流小,启动转矩大,同时控制方式简单,可靠性高,设备成本低的技术优势。本技术采用的技术方案在于:一种异步电动机低频重载软启动装置,包括:三相反并联晶闸管阀组、晶闸管阀组触发电路 ...