The utility model relates to a sealing plate of a valve plate and a valve seat of an inflatable sealed butterfly valve, which comprises a main body made of materials with good extensibility or elasticity, a stainless steel supporting spring and a ventilating support. The main body is a cross section into a U shaped ring, and the air inlet is equipped with an inflatable nozzle. The supporting spring is arranged in the concave cavity of the main body U shape, and the ventilation bracket is inserted into the air passage passage. The supporting spring is an annular spiral spring, and the joint adopts a large and small rotating joint structure. The ventilating bracket is a cylindrical hard hollow sleeve. The sealing ring has the advantages of the inflatable seal gas circle net pressure relief, open the air valve, which usually is open, although there are some pressure on both sides of the pipeline, because of the inflatable rubber sealing ring is arranged in the main body of the support spring, in the mouth into the inflatable ventilation support, can resist the valve on both sides of the existence of pressure, the sealing ring is not to be compressed, and maintain the inflatable mouth occlusion, ensure smooth inflatable inflatable seals.
蝶阀有单板蝶阀和双板蝶阀两种。所谓双板蝶阀的阀板有两块,中间设有一铰接轴,其状如蝴蝶,故称蝶阀。双板蝶阀一般用在气体输送管路中,例如排气管、通风管道等,对它的密封性要求不高。所谓单板蝶阀就是只有一块阀板,中间设转轴。单板蝶阀通常用在长距离输液管路中。例如在长距离给排水管路、输油管道中每隔一定距离通常要设置若干单板蝶阀。主要作为管道中间发生破裂泄漏的隔离阀。在当某段管路发生泄漏时,就把这段管道两端最近两只的阀门关闭,以便于对泄漏处进行维修或更换,所以对它的密封性要求较高。虽然传统的闸阀或截止阀的密封性能也好,但这些阀门启闭速度相对较慢,当发生紧急情况时不能迅速关闭。有的旋塞阀或球阀虽然启闭速度快,但耐压和密封性相对较差,一般在这些场合也很少采用。所以行业内常采用关闭和开启速度较快,密封性能也佳的单板蝶阀。但是传统的单板蝶阀通常都采用硬质密封,所以在关闭时若流体中夹带有泥砂或杂物,其阀板与阀座之间就会存在间隙,密封性能会受到影响。为此,前不久本申请人专利技术了一种《大口径充气密封蝶阀》(申请号为201410472313.7)及后来申请的《内通道充气密封蝶阀》(申请号为201410740602.0);又如公告号为CN2900952Y的《一种具有新型密封结构的蝶阀》其内部也设置了“……有一个具有延展性的弹性材料制成的空心密封圈……”“充气液管路……轴内的气液通道……”。由于在阀板与阀座之间都采用了延展性和弹性很好的橡胶充气密封圈,较好地解决了这一难题 ...