
技术编号:16333949 阅读:123 留言:0更新日期:2017-10-02 03:23

Spraying equipment for aircraft tail fin

The utility model discloses a spraying equipment used for an aircraft tail fin, which comprises a positioning machine, a spraying robot and a spraying extended rod assembly. Among them, the spraying robot is connected with the positioner; the extension rod assembly includes a spray gun and the first extension rod, a rotary cylinder, the extension rod comprises a first end and a second end, the first end connected to the spraying robot wrist, the first spray gun and a rotary cylinder are respectively connected to the second end of the cylinder, rotary movement of the drive of the first rotary spray gun. The spraying equipment used for the tail plane of the utility model has large coverage and can meet the requirement of integral spraying of the tail of an airplane. The extension bar increases the space available to the system and enables the spray to be completed by a single robot. Further, the displacement machine has three degrees of freedom, and the spraying robot has six degrees of freedom, and can drive the spraying extension component to arrive at different positions near the tail of the airplane to carry out spraying operation.





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