
技术编号:16283916 阅读:60 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-23 03:24

Lubrication system of cement truck in cold area

A lubrication system of cement truck in alpine areas of application, including lubricating oil tank, and the mechanical power connectors of the driving gear pump, drive gear pump are arranged on the oil inlet and the oil outlet respectively, wherein the suction port is connected with the hydraulic oil source, oil outlet through the hydraulic pipeline is connected with a driving motor, the input shaft output end and lubricating oil pump of the drive motor is connected with the oil inlet, the lubricating oil tank lubricating oil pump connection, oil outlet and cementing truck plunger pump connected lubrication. The utility model has the advantages of shortening the oil pipeline between the oil pump and lubricating oil tank, lubricating oil and reduce the oil suction pipe between the inner wall of the cold resistance, oil viscosity larger still can smoothly into the lubricating oil pump, to solve the oil shortage problem, while avoiding the cement truck due to compact structure leads to lubricating oil pump, lubrication the tank to arrange the situation.





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