The utility model provides an improved structure of a fire shutter door rail device, wherein the bottom of the box volume two sides of the gate rail with internal storage space, and in two the relative inner wall of the gate rail are bent with two limiting plates and two limit forms a passage board, in the two limit board respectively at the end of relative reflexed extends outward bend and bend bend fold portion is formed with a smooth surface, in the box set on the roll reel winding has the fire shutter, fire shutter two side end respectively through the passage and extends into the accommodating space, and the two side surface is flat to smooth paste, can be in at the bottom of a fire shutter located two rail and rail lifting door with counterweight base displacement, when the fire shutter in lowering, rising, or by hot air compression caused by curtain surface arc expansion, drop of the situation, Through the smooth surface to avoid fire rolling curtain surface wear, rupture and so on, in order to increase the life of fire shutter, and then to prevent the spread of fire.
按,现今社会的都会区中高楼大厦林立,不论居家或是办公场所、公共场合等,均会使用大批的装潢材料做室内环境的设计,将室内环境装修的美轮美奂,然而大批的装潢材料具有极高的可燃性,一旦发生火灾时,装潢材料易产生剧烈浓烟,阻断逃生路线,并延误了逃生与救援的时间,且于火灾统计资料中发现,在火灾现场中所造成的伤亡,大多是因为吸入过多浓烟所造成,其直接被火烧伤亡者,比例反而较低。因此,在目前的建筑设计、规划上,必须考量到火灾发生时的安全性,以防止浓烟乱窜,所以建筑物内部大多会加装烟控系统,以将火灾发生时所产生的浓烟予以区隔,而现有烟控系统主要系运用遮烟防火卷帘等设备,该遮烟防火卷帘装置的好处不外乎是于未使用时,其卷帘可利用卷轴来卷收于装设在天花板处的卷箱内,待火灾发生时,再配合自动感测系统来适时放下防火卷帘,以阻隔火势的蔓延,进而有效确保人员安全及疏散路线,如此减少火灾带来的损害、损伤。再者,为了使防火卷帘关闭后,可达到防止浓烟乱窜的效果,其防火卷帘的二侧边与所嵌入的二侧门轨间需形成气密状态,然而,为了形成气密状态,该二门轨相对内侧处通常会分别弯折有二限位板,以供抵贴并夹持于防火卷帘二侧表面,如此避免空隙的产生,但是,由于门轨大都为金属材质所制成,所以在防火卷帘关闭或升起的过程中,其各门轨的二限位 ...