The invention provides a method for reducing vegetable nutrient and improving the commodity characteristics of vegetables, belonging to the technical field of agricultural non-point source pollution control and vegetable production. Specifically, by reducing the amount of fertilizer and organic fertilizer with appropriate amount of wheat straw biochar, the effects of reducing the soil nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in vegetable soil, and improving the stability of vegetables and improving the commercial characters of vegetables were achieved. Using this technology can significantly reduce the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff reached 13.95% and 34.81% to 52.44% 23.68% respectively, significantly reduce the vegetable growth period of nitrogen and phosphorus runoff loss amounted to 13.95% and 34.81% to 52.44% respectively, 23.68%. At the same time, the risk of runoff loss of nitrogen and phosphorus in vegetable land was significantly reduced. Further, by using the technology to maintain stable production of vegetables, cabbage nitrogen partial productivity increased by 24.39% 28.98%, cabbage spherical index was significantly increased by 6.17% ~ 7.41%, significantly improve the vegetable commodity traits.
:蔬菜地是太湖流域重要的土地利用方式之一。近年来,随着农业产业政策的大力支持和经济效益的不断提升,蔬菜种植面积持续扩大。据统计,2013年江苏省蔬菜种植面积约1.36×106hm2,占耕地面积比重约28.95%,其中,露地蔬菜种植面积约占蔬菜种植面积的56.52%。在蔬菜生产过程中,菜农往往施用过量肥料以追求更高蔬菜产量和经济效益,不仅造成养分资源的极大浪费,而且肥料持续过量施用会导致农田土壤养分盈余和负荷增加,进而势必增加土壤养分通过地表径流或地下淋溶等途径向地表水体排放的潜在风险。众所周知,氮、磷含量过高是导致水体富营养化的主要原因之一,而农田氮、磷流失是其重要面源污染源。据估计,农业面源排放氮、磷素对太湖水体的贡献率分别达37.5%和15.1%,其中农田流失量对面源污染贡献率分别约60%和20%。进一步,相关报道表明,太湖流域蔬菜、果树及花卉等经济作物农田(约占总面积的15%-35%)对该流域水体富营养化的贡献率与占农田总面积70%的稻麦等大田作物基本相当。可见,该流域中单位面积经济作物农田养分径流流失量远高于稻麦等大田作物。因此,建立蔬菜地农田土壤养分径流减排技术体系对于太湖流域水体生态环境健康可持续发展具有重要意义。近年来,广大科技工作者针对如何减轻蔬菜地农田面源污染开发了多种技术途径,主要包括生物措施、物理-化学措施、工程措施或综合措施等,并进行了小范围田间试验,也取得了初步积极成效。采用人工生 ...