The utility model relates to a fireproof anti explosion emergency disposal box, including a box body and a box cover, the box cover are connected by a hinge box is composed of three layers, and the outer layer of aluminum alloy wire drawing layer, the middle layer is a flexible foam layer and the inner layer of alumina plate, the box and the box cover outer surface are coated with insulating coating in front of the box body, end surface is provided with an observation window, the box on the left side end and the right end surface are respectively provided with a first handle, the center surface of the box cover is provided with second handles, on both sides of the box cover surface is located on the second handles are respectively arranged on the exhaust port and the water inlet, an air outlet is arranged on the second handle on the left side of an injection nozzle is arranged in the second. The right side of the water inlet is arranged on the plastic cover, the water inlet is arranged at the lower end of the water injection, water injection pipe is arranged outside a casing. The utility model has the advantages that the utility model provides a fireproof explosion-proof emergency disposal box with the advantages of light structure, convenient operation, safety and reliability.
美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)曾于1993年提出过防爆箱的设计概念和防火防爆罩的部分要求(FAA,1993,“DOT/FAA/CT-93/18,HardenedLuggageContainerDesignSurvey”)。国际标准化组织(ISO)的TC20/SC9航空货运和地面设备委员会设立了航空货运箱的火灾安全标准的制定项目,在该项目的推动下,发布了标准ISO14186:2013,规定了防火罩最基本的设计、性能标准以及测试方法。美国汽车工程师协会航空航天工业分会发布的SAEAS6453标准,等同于标准ISO14186:2013。这些标准针对普通货物起火爆炸的风险,未涉及电子产品起火爆炸的特殊性。美国UPS货运航空公司自2010年起,开始研究针对锂电池货物的飞机货舱阻燃箱,并取得阶段性成果。阻燃箱可以有效延阻锂电池货物的起火,延长飞机操控处理时间。还有不少欧美公司在从事阻燃箱和防火罩的开发和产业化工作,比如FedEx、AmSafe以及HighWater等公司。由于现阶段阻燃箱和防火罩本身存在的一些技术缺陷和价格昂贵等原因,虽有部分航空公司在试用阻燃箱和防火罩产品,但并未真正使用开来。美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)在阻燃箱和防火罩方面做了很多试验验证工作,证实了阻燃箱和防火罩可以有效延阻锂电池的火势,并在最近通过改进阻燃箱的密封条设计,解决了阻燃箱的爆炸风险,对于锂电池起火产生大量有毒气体和浓烟的问题,仍在寻求解决方法。这些设备多针对大宗货物起火爆炸进行 ...