
技术编号:16191329 阅读:56 留言:0更新日期:2017-09-12 12:49

File page management unit, processing device, and document page management method

Provides a file management unit, page processing equipment and method of page management file, the file page management unit (10) comprises a register (11), for storing the process file page table, file page table for recording for the physical page base address virtual address segment target file allocation information and the target file, which the destination file to the physical page is stored in the nonvolatile memory; processing circuit (12), according to the target process in the virtual address for access to the target file when the query register storage file page table, the physical page base address to determine the virtual address of the corresponding target; processing circuit is also used to determine the target file according to the the physical page address physical page base address and the destination virtual address and the physical page address is sent to the memory controller. The file page snap in can improve file management performance.





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