A low power DC motor, as long as the excitation coil connector (3) connected to power supply, then the soft excitation stator (4) generates a powerful magnetic field, soft excitation stator (4) in the end is generated and the magnetic material on the rotor part (9) of the same polarity, so gender split there is, in the soft excitation stator (4) bigger than the circumference of the magnetic material in the rotor part (9) of the perimeter, so the rotor began to move, until the rotor of the magnetic material part away from the magnetic switch (5), iron (4) on the stator excitation power and magnetic field disappeared, then the rotor magnetic material part (9) have all entered the spiral magnetic stator (1) of the minimum gap, because of the same polarity so the rotor continue to the right direction of rotation, magnetic materials move to the MagSwitch until in the rotor (5) is stator and rotator The smallest gap between the two stops, and then repeat the last action, until the power cut off, low energy DC motor will stop working.
为了解决以上不足,本专利技术提出一种低能耗直流电动机,由于它的结构简单,耗电少,操作方便,制作容易,该电动机在工作时只需要在360度旋转时的某个角度通一次电压就能完成一圈的旋转。本专利技术对低能耗直流电动机提出的技术要点是;首先制造一个用磁性材料做成的螺旋形磁性定子(1)该定子的磁极性的’S’是朝里的,’N’极朝外,再做一个用两种材料做成的转子,它由磁性材料部分转子(9)与非导磁材料部分转子(11)组成的转子。只因为该定子是螺旋形的,所以圆型的转子与螺旋形的转子(1)之间也留有螺旋形的空间,当转子中的磁性材料部分(9)与螺旋形的转子(1)的最近处时,由于转子中的磁性材料部分(9)的’S’极与螺旋形定子(1)里面的’S’极是同性,有于同性相拆就会向空间大的方向移动,当转子中的磁性材料部分(9)移动到磁控开关(5)时也就是定子与转子之间的间隙最小的地方,同时也是两组磁性同极性最近处,在没有其它动力的情况下它们只是相拆的停留在原处。如在励磁线圈接点(3)上接上电源,这时软铁励磁定子(4)就产生强大的磁场,软铁励磁定子(4)的内端产生的磁极性也是与转子上的磁性材料部分(9)的磁极性一样,所以两性相拆,有于软铁励磁定子(4)的周长大于转子中的磁性材料部分(9)的周长,转子开始向右方向移动,直至 ...