The technical field of a cell membrane repair honey Dan: 1, when cells by chemical, physical and biological effects of carcinogenic factors, DNA gene mutation leads to cell membrane damage, membrane protein disappeared, cell decrease, leading to cell shedding, diffusion, transfer. The present invention relates to a compound formula 2, a variety of natural foods and traditional Chinese medicine, is a multi targeted cancer cell membrane repair effect, can play the nutrients and synergistic therapeutic effect of drugs, but also by the overall effect, energy and efficacy of body cells is sufficient, effectively prevent the change of membrane protein, cell adhesion decreased. Exfoliated cells spread, mobilize the body's defense mechanism and the effect of drugs, enhance immunity, enhance the anticancer ability, and repair the cell membrane, given recombinant natural bio refractory material, has the unique function of repair of cancer cells. 3, the invention makes full use of attributes and bias of yin and Yang medicine and food food and medicine, adjust the body's Yin and Yang Qi and actual situation, correct the body of yin and Yang rise and fall, make the body back to normal.
:1、当细胞受到化学、物理、生物等致癌因素作用,癌基因DNA突变导致细胞膜受损,膜蛋白消失,细胞黏性降低,导致细胞脱落、扩散、转移。2、本专利技术涉及多种天然食品和中药的复合配方,是具有多靶向修复癌细胞膜的效果,能发挥营养素和药物的协同治疗作用,而且能加乘整体疗效,提供机体细胞充足的能量和药效,有效阻止膜蛋白改变,细胞黏着性降低,细胞脱落扩散转移,调动机体防御机制和药物作用,增强机体免疫力,增强抗癌能力,并修复细胞膜,给予天然的基因重组的生物治性物质,对修复癌细胞有独到的功能。3、本专利技术充分发挥食物和药物的阴阳属性和药食的偏性,调整人体阴阳气血寒热、虚实,纠正人体阴阳盛衰,使人体恢复到正常状态。1、人参:补五脏,补阳气,提升人体免疫机能,抗氧化,消除人体自由基,抑制癌细胞生长,人参中所含皂苷,具有优异的抗癌作用。2、何首乌:补益精血,截疟,解毒,祛风,痈疽瘰疬。3、远志:宁心安神,祛痰开窍,消痈肿,疮疖,瘰疬痰核。4、牡蛎:平肝替阳,软坚散结,收敛固涩,阴虚阳亢所至的心悸失眠,头晕目眩。5、葛根:发衰解肌,升阳透疹,解热升津,补阴气,治高压,头痛,眩晕耳鸣,肢体麻木,呕吐,诸痹症状,解毒。6、乳香:活血止痛,仲筋生肌,痈疽肿毒,及坚硬疼痛,祛腐祛风。7、川芎:活血行气,祛风止痛,上至巅顶,下行血海,肢体麻木及疮痈肿痛。8、玄参:清热解毒,养阴软坚,散结消痈,痈疽疮毒,瘰疬痰核。9、连翘:清热解毒,消痈散结,对热毒蕴结所致疮毒痈肿,瘰疬痰核。10、松仁:延年益寿,逐风痹寒气,润肺止咳,松仁中脂肪成分是:维生素E32毫克%克,油酸、 ...