The utility model relates to a hand-operated air-cooled engine starter, including the open side of the engine and the wind guide cover is detachably connected with the starting disc, end starting disc is arranged on the installation disc to install the drive shaft and the driven shaft is installed outside the installation disc in the outer disc and installed in the installation cavity closed to form the driving gear and the disc to accommodate the mutual engagement of the driven gear, the driving gear is installed on the driving shaft and at one end of the drive shaft extends out of the outer disk, a driven shaft installed on the driven gear and one end of the driven shaft is extended from the inner disk, a driven shaft projecting part of the installation of automatic disconnecting and connecting mechanism. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, low cost, without increasing the cost in the price, convenient replacement, in supporting the market on high reliability; according to the height of the operator and the environment can be adjusted, so the promotion of universal sales; which can effectively solve the problem of the young migrant workers, rural labor shortage. Reduce the labor intensity of users.
传统风冷系列发动机中,起动方式以手拉起动为主,该起动装置操作过程中对拉绳拉出的速度、拉绳拉出的最大距离、拉绳拉出的角度以及操作者站立位置高低都有很严格要求,对使用者的技巧要求较高,掌握不当,发动机无法起动,不能正常使用发动机。当与微耕机、插秧机、工程机械等机械配套作业时,加上使用环境有的是梯田,有的是水田,所以操作者的位置高低不一致,操作空间有限,操作者不便于发力拉拽拉绳,更不利于发动机的起动。另外手拉起动装置在实际操作过程中经常出现拉绳断裂、拉绳脱出、分离盘破损、分离盘中心孔磨损等故障,迫使老百姓频繁更换配件,当操作者用力过大时,会很容易导致拉绳拉断;现有拉绳手柄多数采用硬塑或者尼龙材料,在冬季使用发动机时,由于操作者手柄经常在蜗卷弹簧的作用下高速回位时,会造成手柄被撞裂,导致该装置无法使用;该装置内腔在使用过程中经常进入泥土、砂石等杂物,导致蜗簧无法正常将手柄反弹回位等缺陷。鉴于手拉起动装置存在诸多不适应因素,老百姓迫切能有新的起动装置诞生。对此一些配件厂家开始着手开发与创新,市场便出现了一款全新的储能起动装置,该装置是利用大的蜗簧储存能量来带动发动机转动的结构原理,由于内腔结构复杂,该装置总成重量较重,在发动机配套微耕机时就会造成微耕机一头重,微耕机不能平衡,不适应风冷发动机轻量化的使用特性。该起动装置在起动效果上有一定的改善,但是对操作者的使用要求进一步提高,如果操作者出现误操作,不但不能起动发动机,而且很容易对人造成伤害。该装置的成本较高,整机销售价格需 ...