The utility model relates to the field of home equipment, in particular relates to a heat insulation energy-saving aluminum-plastic doors and windows, including the cross was divided into 4 frames and mounting frame installed in the window frame of the window frame, window frames of the right part of the window frame is provided with a handle, which comprises a square window frame and window glass window and arc; arc, including installation the glass window frame and the window frame and the window frame installation, curved square square glass window; square glass window frame, equipped with square glass, curved glass window frame, equipped with curved glass; glass window is arranged on the inner walls of the mounting groove; the square glass and curved glass around there is a boss matched with the inner wall of the mounting groove; both sides of the mounting groove is arranged on the insulation, the boss inserted into the installation slot in the insulation between the glass and the square; The structure of the arc-shaped glass comprises an insulating layer, a glass layer and a hydrophobic layer. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, low cost and good heat insulation and energy saving effect.
铝塑复合门窗,又叫断桥铝门窗,是继铝合金门窗,塑钢门窗之后一种新型门窗。断桥铝门窗采用隔热断桥铝型材和中空玻璃,仿欧式结构,外形美观,具有节能、隔音、防噪、防尘、防水功能。这类门窗的热传导系数K值为3W/m2·K以下,比普通门窗热量散失减少一半,降低取暖费用30%左右,隔声量达29分贝以上,水密性、气密性良好,均达国家A1类窗标准。断桥式铝塑复合窗的原理是利用塑料型材(隔热性高于铝型材1250倍)将室内外两层铝合金既隔开又紧密连接成一个整体,构成一种新的隔热型的铝型材,用这种型材做门窗,其隔热性与塑(钢)窗在同一个等级-国标级,彻底解决了铝合金传导散热快、不符合节能要求的致命问题,同时采取一些新的结构配合形式,彻底解决了“铝合金推拉窗密封不严”的老大难问题。该产品两面为铝材,中间用塑料型材腔体做断热材料。这种创新结构设计,兼顾了塑料和铝合金两种材料的优势,同时满足装饰效果和门窗强度及耐老性能的多种要求。超级断桥铝塑型材可实现门窗的三道密封结构,合理分离水汽腔,成功实现气水等压平衡,显著提高门窗的水密性和气密性。这种窗的气密性比任何铝、塑窗都好,能保证风沙大的地区室内窗台和地板无灰尘;能保证在高速公路两侧50米内的居民不受噪音干扰,其性能接近平开窗。这种窗将铝、塑两种窗的优点集于一身,去除了它们各自的缺点,从而成为用户理想的选择。这种窗售价在360-400元/平方米左右,虽然略高于市场上的普通铝、塑推拉窗,但是这种窗的综合使用效果大大优于普通铝、塑复合窗,甚至 ...