The utility model discloses a blast furnace in continuous feeding condition that the distribution and change of blast furnace feeding layer material layer measuring device comprises a fixed frame in the original level above and connected to the inner wall of the furnace wall; the fixed frame is provided with a measuring cylinder, a measuring cylinder is a hollow structure is arranged in the guide rail, moving along the motion rail lifting movement of the camera, the camera is provided with a light source; the measuring tube line by laying in the original surface of the protective sleeve is connected to the furnace wall edge, through the metal catheter outside the furnace to connect to remote control terminal; the measuring cylinder side wall is provided with a measurement window, the measurement window is transparent, the inside is provided with scales; the utility model measurement the camera is placed in a sealed tube, to establish a good environment for measurement; remote control real-time accurate measurement, the material conditions to avoid downtime; the scale of measurement window for reference The thickness and deformation of the furnace are measured by the system. The light source is used to overcome the internal environment of the blast furnace, and the color image is sent to the outside of the furnace to avoid the wall effect\.
高炉炼铁时,炉料由炉顶的“无料钟”装入炉内,借助于高炉下部的鼓入的热风,通过燃烧焦炭产生热量和一氧化碳,一方面加热炉料,另一方面还原炉料,从而实现生铁的正常生产。同时高炉的冶炼过程也是通过布料和鼓风参数来进行调节的。高炉操作中通过调整布料量、布料顺序、控制炉料落点等措施,可以调控高炉内部煤气流的分布,从而控制CO、CO2、H2等在炉内的分布状态,一方面控制热量在炉内的分布,两一方面控制炉内不同部位化学反应速度,进而实现高炉生产的优化、故障处理等功能。布料时一般从炉顶装入两种炉料,焦炭和矿石,焦炭作为燃料单独装入,矿石一般包括烧结矿、球团矿、块矿,在料罐中经混合后一起装入高炉中。目前几乎所有大型高炉都是采用无钟布料设备将炉料布入炉内,实现炉料的装入,这种设备是通过溜槽在不同角位旋转不同圈数来实现逐渐将炉料布入炉内。炉料装入炉内后,矿石和焦炭均会形成一定的层状料层,并沿高炉半径方向形成一定厚度,一般会形成边缘带平台的料面形状。炉内燃烧焦炭产生热量和一氧化碳在炉膛内形成气流,因布料种类和布料量的差异,焦炭和矿石在炉顶沿半径方向形成厚度不同的分布,而气流流动均受到料层粒度和厚度的影响。矿石粒度小、比重大,形成的料层厚度大的地方对煤气流的阻力也大,也就是说矿石层和焦炭层的不同厚度实际上代表了其对煤气流的不同阻力。生产中一般用矿石和焦炭层的厚度比,即O/C比来作为高炉炉顶气流调剂的一种评判标准。在高炉操作中,O/C比的分布直接决定了高炉气流分布,这个参数对高 ...