The invention discloses an intelligent high precision frequency shift and phase shift measurement device and method for accurate measurement of components and the two port network frequency and phase shift, including signal generation module, amplifying and filtering module, microprocessor follower, and input and output terminals; a signal generating module and the output module is connected with the amplifying and filtering. Amplifying and filtering module is connected with an input terminal and the output terminal is connected with the microprocessor, the follower's end and the input terminal is connected, the other end is connected with the output terminal connected, microprocessor connected to the computer through the communication interface, a microprocessor connected with a memory module, input device and display module. The present invention generates an electromagnetic wave signal through the signal generator, the amplifying and filtering module amplifying and filtering, the tested components and two port network frequency shift, phase shift, the output signal and the follower signal are sent to the microprocessor, high precision measurement of electronic components and dual port network frequency attenuation and phase angle of the mobile.
为了克服上述现有技术的不足,本专利技术提供了一种高精度智能频移、相移测量装置及方法,实现对各种电子元器件及其双端口网络的频率衰减的高精度测量,测量精度即频率的相对变化率可达10-20量级,还可实现对各种电子元器件及其双端口网络的的相位角移动高精度测量。本专利技术所采用的技术方案是:一种高精度智能频移、相移测量装置,用于精确测量元器件及其双端口网络频移和相移,包括信号发生模块、放大滤波模块、跟随器、微处理器及连接被测元器件及其双端口网络的输入、输出接线端;所述信号发生模块与放大滤波模块的输入端连接,所述放大滤波模块的输出端连接输入接线端,所述输出接线端与微处理器连接,所述跟随器的一端与输入接线端连接,另一端与输出接线端连接,所述微处理器通过通信接口连接上位机,所述微处理器还连接有存储模块、输入设备和显示模块。进一步的,所述信号发生模块由振荡器、放大器和稳幅环组成,所述振荡器与放大 ...