The invention discloses an ink brush shape, comprising a pen holder, pen; the pen is set to the hollow structure, and is provided with an ink storage cavity, the ink storage cavity is provided with a piston, the piston is connected with a push rod, the push rod is arranged at the top end of a spring button, a lower end of the ink storage cavity the connection with a pen that is connected to the ink tube, a flow regulating valve tube is provided with the ink outlet; the pen head comprises a silicon colloid, brush hair, a pen head and a pen holder detachably connected. With the ink storage cavity of the pen holder, and the ink storage cavity is provided with a piston mechanism to the Neijiamo, convenient and time-saving, but also set the flow regulating valve, writing efficiency and writing effect is good; the pen holder and the pen head quick detachable connection, can flexibly change the pen or pen, saving cost and resources; the pen head a silica gel, prevent hair loss and facilitate writing pen. There comes the brush penholder, pen cap, long service life, good practicability, and is worthy of popularization.
毛笔是中国的传统书写工具和绘画工具,毛笔依笔头口径可以简单的分为:小楷笔、中楷笔、大楷笔,更大的有屏笔、联笔、斗笔、植笔等;依毛笔头长短可分为:长锋笔、中锋笔、短锋笔。而不同尺寸类型的毛笔,适用于书写不同大小的字体或画不同粗细的线条。目前,市场上销售的毛笔都是光杆毛笔。当初学者或学生使用的时候,由于没有掌握正确的执笔要领,可以随意执笔书写,从而养成了不正确的执笔姿势,而且长时间的握持容易让人产生疲劳,多手部关节产生不利的影响。中国申请号为2015206215312的技术,公开一种毛笔,包括笔杆、笔头和握持段,所述握持段设置于笔杆外表面,包括食指握持部、拇指握持部、中指握持部和无名指握持部,四者交错排列,自笔头沿所述笔杆轴向向上依次为无名指握持部、中指握持部、拇指握持部和食指握持部;四者在圆周上成一定角度排列。该毛笔设置可帮助人们自动掌握正确握笔姿势的握持段,岁具有增加握持舒适度,加强操控精确度的作用,但仍具有以下缺陷:其一,毛笔书写时,需要笔头蘸取墨水,而该毛笔没有设置储墨功能,书写时就得笔头时时蘸墨,费时费力,影响书写效率和书写效果,且笔头是毛笔最容易损坏的部件,而该笔头固定连接在笔杆上,无法更换,若笔头不能使用了,就得连笔杆一起扔掉,造成资源浪费;其二,毛笔是蘸墨进行书写,而该笔杆上没有设置相关放置装置,为了防止笔头污染,在使用过程中需要放置时得毛笔架或砚台,携带不够便捷,且占用空间大,实用性差;其三,笔头是毛笔最容易损坏的部件,而该毛笔没有设置对笔头相关的保护装置,在携带或放置过 ...