A traditional Chinese medicine filter anti spilling pot, the pot body is designed into the shape of a hammer shaped arc structure, the pot body is arranged inside the decocting trough net, decocting network slot is provided with fine mesh, the mesh by connecting rod fixed groove decocting, undertake the bar through the slot and the two ends connected to the network or on the pot body; the pot body front mounted intelligent control panel, intelligent control panel is provided with a temperature display and a timer, wherein the pot body are arranged on both sides of the pot handle and a pot handle made of insulating material; the boiler body is arranged along the lateral anti overflow groove, anti overflow groove composed of anti overflow weir on both sides of the. The anti overflow groove is arranged on the front end of the left drainage mouth; anti overflow groove is matching with screen inner lid, the inner lid with filter, cover with outer shell, the shell cover is installed on the handle.
中药(TCM)主要起源于中国,少数中药源于外国,如西洋参。在中医理论指导下用于预防、诊断、治疗疾病或调节人体机能的药物。多为植物药,也有动物药、矿物药及部分化学、生物制品类药物。中药按加工工艺分为中成药、中药材。中草药大都是生药,在出售之前一般都进行了加工炮制,煎煮之前一般没有必要淘洗。如果的确觉得草药有些脏,可在浸泡前迅速用水漂洗一下,切勿浸泡冲洗,以防易溶于水的有效成分大量丢失,从而影响中药疗效。煎药器具以砂锅、瓦罐为好,忌用铜、铁器皿。煎煮中药应注意火候与煎煮时间,中药煎煮一般要煎煮2~3次,最少应煎2次。一般未沸前用武火,沸后用文火。一般头煎的煮沸后再用小火煎20~30分钟,二煎煮沸后再用小火煎10~20分钟。由于中药的质地、性质往往有显著差异,因此,煎煮方法或煎煮时间常不相同,有先煎、后下、包煎等。煎药要注重火候,火候的控制要根据药物的性质和质地,如解表药,适宜用武火急煎,滋补药文火煎。目前,在日常家庭中煎煮中药以及实验过程中进行中药方剂试验,常常会因为传统砂锅或陶瓷锅的锅身较浅,特别容易造成煎煮过程中药液外溢,加之传统煎药锅没有过滤装置,使得倾倒药液时很容易把固体药材也倒出来,还要花时间把大块固定药材挑拣出来,并且煎药锅经过高温加热后特别烫手,所有这些都造成了传统煎药锅在使用过程中的诸多不便,致使许多患者因煎煮过程的繁琐及煎药锅使用不便,从而放弃用中药进行疾病治疗。这将直接影响中药应有价值的发挥以及中药的种植、生产以及出售等一系列环节。为了解决传统煎药锅 ...