The utility model belongs to the technical field of medical equipment, which relates to a control cabinet, the main structure comprises a cabinet body, the medicine bucket, the medicine bucket back, gauze, fan, escape proof net, UV lamp and cabinet back plate, a plurality of the medicine bucket are uniformly arranged the front end of the medicine bucket is arranged the medicine bucket back height is greater than the drug bucket on the back plate height of the medicine bucket, the cabinet is arranged at the rear end of the back plate, the gap between the back plate and the medicine bucket back in the cabinet body is provided with gauze, fan and escape proof net, a screen and a drug bucket back corresponding to the position of all open the cabinet body is provided with a hole, the back plate is provided with a UV lamp, in principle to remove biophysics adults, cut off pests continue, to guarantee the quality of drug storage in the medicine cabinet, the cabinet is made of stainless steel material, artistic, durable and anti The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, scientific principle, convenient cleaning and good insecticidal effect, and is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine houses and pharmacies.
:中药主要起源于中国,包括中药材、饮片和中成药,是在中医理论指导下用于预防、诊断和治疗疾病或调节人体机能的药物,多来源于植物,也包括动物药、矿物药等。由于动物性和植物性药物富含蛋白质和淀粉,存在虫蛀问题,在中药采集、加工和仓储等环节如未除尽虫卵或掺入虫卵,销售终端就会出现虫害,降低中药质量,甚至造成许多昂贵药物失效,带来经济损失或者危害使用者身体健康,延误治疗。中药零售时采用的中药柜,亦称中药橱、药柜子和药斗子,贴墙摆放,一般高不过鼻(1.60米,普通人身高为1.60—1.80米),宽不超臂展长度(两臂伸展宽度1.70米),有平视观上斗,展手及边沿的特点,因其调剂中药,方便易取,找药容易,故又有抬手取,低头拿,半步可观全药匣的特点,斗面呈长方形,左右宽20厘米,上下高15厘米,稍微高出柜面0.2-0.3厘米。传统的中药柜多采用实木材质,利于害虫繁衍生息;现代化药房常见的不锈钢中药柜,柜体采用冷轧钢板制作,表面处理采用环保无毒害和无气味的聚能脂静电粉末喷涂,每个小抽屉固定分成三格,有的下部抽屉可放较大药材,柜体内部全封闭,可防鼠、防潮、防串药,但有害昆虫还是会附着在药物之中繁衍。所以目前常见的中药柜都无法解决中药虫害问题。针对药店和医疗机构中药房存在的虫害困扰,大型的中药仓储机构常见的气调养护除虫技术不便于应用,传统的对抗同储法只能减轻中药虫害问题,难以彻底杜绝。因此,研发一种结构简单并且能够彻底解决这一难题的除虫中药柜,保证中 ...
2016.04.15 CN 20162031916111.一种除虫中药柜,其特征在于主体结构包括柜体、药斗、药斗后背板、纱网、风扇、防逃逸网、紫外灯和柜体后背板;不锈钢结构的柜体的前端均匀设置有若干个抽拉式结构的药斗,每个药斗的端部设置有单层板体式...