The invention discloses a control device for infrared burner, including a gas control valve, valve, valve core hole, an operating rod, a sealing gasket, nozzle, nozzle, injection pipe, furnace chamber, ignition needle, the gas control valve, valve, valve core hole, an operating rod, a sealing gasket, nozzle hole, nozzle, ejector tube and furnace cavity combustion gas channel porous combustion radiation plate is provided with the furnace cavity, the ignition needle is arranged in the middle part of the porous combustion radiation plate, the valve core is provided with a valve core hole and nozzle, nozzle hole hole at the bottom of the valve spool, a sealing gasket, wherein the ignition needle is provided with 2 or more than 2 ignition point. The utility model has the advantages of beautiful appearance, high ignition reliability of the main burner, simple structure, low cost, safety and reliability, and wide range of adaptation to the gas.
随着人民生活水平的提高,燃气用具产品包括家用燃气灶具、取暖器、烧烤炉等已普及至千家万户,而红外线燃气燃烧器由于其产品具有节能环保、洁净卫生、安全可靠等明显的优越性能等特点,已为广大家庭消费者、商业用户及工业用户所接受。由于红外线燃气燃烧器采用了较大的一次空气系数,即燃气与一次空气混合后的混合气体中燃气浓度较低,因此,点火时从火孔逸出的燃空混合气用脉冲电火花或者压电陶瓷点火直接点燃比较困难,易产生爆燃现象。一般都:通过点火喷嘴点火燃烧器来引燃主燃烧器。或者在阀体的副嘴上设有点火通道,该点火通道的出气口通过中空的通道连接在副喷通道上,使其与副喷通道一起给第二喷嘴供气,或者通过辅助喷嘴,辅助燃气管,往喷嘴、引射管、扩散管、收引管补充煤气来点火。目前,市面上的这些主燃烧器点火结构和工作方式存在以下方面的缺陷:1、采用点火燃烧器从主燃烧器外围引火点燃主燃烧器的方式,其结构设计必须使主燃烧器与汤盘或灶面保持一定间隙,否则会影响火焰引燃主燃烧器,这种结构会明显地影响产品的外观,使产品无生命力,无市场价值;且引火火焰束很大,会将主燃烧器周围的装饰板或灶面烧黑,严重地影响产品的外观,也有许多的燃烧不完全。2、采用点火喷嘴置于主燃烧器底部的主燃烧器外部火焰点燃方式,则需要通过主燃烧器中心通道引燃主燃烧器,在点火燃烧器点燃的瞬间,火焰冲出碰到导火板后容易发生回火,在点火喷嘴前燃烧,传递距离不足以到达主火孔或主火板,而造成点火不良或爆燃;需要通过中心通道引燃主 ...