The utility model provides a precise laparoscopic Roux gastric bypass en Y special tube, including a soft and elastic and a scale of the stomach tube body, the front end of the tube, the tube ends are respectively connected with the tube plug and tube joint, pipe wall tube of the front section of the pipe body provided with a side hole 2 to 4 rows at intervals of 10 mm, the plug is provided with a light emitting tube positioning device. Special tube of the utility model, different from ordinary light emitting tube, positioning device with special tube head, precise positioning, accurate assessment of gastric pouch size, not only conducive to gastrojejunai operation, no damage to the gastric tissue, ensure the operation effect. At the same time, the special stomach tube is made of soft material, which can effectively reduce the chance of damaging the stomach tissue. The fluorescent reflective section near the front light tube positioning device for convenient identification, tube position in laparoscopic precise positioning, is conducive to gastrojejunai operation, improve the operation effect.
精准腹腔镜Roux-en-Y胃旁路术(PreciseLaparoscopicRoux-en-YGastricBypass,PLRYGB)被公认为治疗肥胖与代谢病的标准术式。它是一种改变肠道结构、关闭大部分胃功能的手术。手术不切除胃肠。将患者的胃分成上下两部分,装食物的那部分胃只有原来胃部的1/6-1/10,容量10-20ml,以减少食物的摄入;旷置一段小肠,重新排列小肠的位置,降低小肠对热量的吸收。手术改变了食物经过消化道的途径,减缓胃排空速度,双管齐下,从而达到减肥的目的。手术的长期效果比其他手术方式及传统内科治疗效果更显著、更持久,深受患者和外科医生的青睐。随着经济的发展,中国肥胖人口急速增加,此项手术体现了极好的发展前景。胃旁路术专用胃管,可以作为胃旁路术手术中常规使用的器材,对外科医生决定胃的切除大小、胃空肠吻合口的大小作出更精准的评估,对手术效果、减少并发症的发生起到重要的作用。在胃旁路术手术中,需要制作胃小囊,胃小囊的大小直接影响手术效果,在操作时,需要置入胃管作为支撑以评估胃小囊的大小。另外在做胃空肠吻合口时,同样需要胃管作支撑及定位,降低吻合口狭窄的机会,从而降低并发症的发生。目前市面上还没有针对这种手术的专用胃管,一般胃管较细,起不到支撑作用,有些胃管则材质比较硬,在置入时容易损伤胃组织,引起出血、穿孔、吻合口漏等。随着胃旁路术手术的增加,这类器材的使用量也将随之增加。为了 ...