The utility model provides a small vertical orchard ditching and fertilizing soil covering machine, composed of I, II, a ditching device and fertilizer discharging device, power transmission device, III IV support device V, which is provided with a I using three point suspension mode input shaft 18 is connected with a tractor through the power; the ditching device II by ditching cutter 16, vertical rotary blade 17, driven sprocket 15 ditching and ditch drive chain 3, which is fixedly connected with the frame of I rear power gearbox by 9 from the left front of the left rear transmission; the vertical rotary blade by 17 vertical rotary blade three pieces of the same size with the rotation angle 120 degrees are evenly arranged in the ditch cutter 16, ditching the driven sprocket wheel 15 is fixedly connected with the upper part of the ditching cutter 16, rotary power transmission chain transfer by ditching 3; fertilizer unit III which is composed of a fertilizer box, a fertilizer discharging device 19, 10 fertilizer discharging pipe 1, row The fertilizer quantity is changed by the rotation adjusting wheel 20; the support device V is composed of a depth limiting wheel 2, a bracket 6 and a screw adjusting rod 8; the screw rod adjusting rod 8 is used for adjusting the depth limiting wheel to change the depth of fertilizer discharge. The vertical rotary tillage cutter is used for ditching, ditching and digging, and the soil working process after ditching, digging and fertilizing is omitted, and the power consumption is greatly reduced; the power of the fertilizer supply is provided by the limit wheel to rotate, and the power consumption is reduced.
我国果树资源丰富,品种繁多,是世界最大的果树种植国和果品生产国。改革开放以来,我国果品产业迅猛发展,20世纪80、90年代果品总产量年平均递增分别达到10%和13%,近10年来,果品生产仍然保持了年增5%以上的发展速度,从1993年至今,果品总面积和总产量一直稳居世界第一。目前,果品产业已成为继粮食、蔬菜之后的第3大农业种植产业,是国内外市场前景广阔且具有较强国际竞争力的优势农业产业,也是许多地方经济发展的亮点和农民致富的支柱产业之一。随着果品产业的快速发展,果园面积不断增大,果园规模化发展和规范化管理的要求日益提高,从而使得果园机械化管理的重要性日益显著。目前我国果园机械化程度低,果园的作业大都主要依靠人工完成,生产效率低,劳动强度大,劳动成本高。施肥是果树生产管理中的重要技术措施,合理适时的施肥对节约成本、保护环境、促进高产和稳产、提高作物品质、防止缺素病变、发挥区域性优势、发展优质农产品具有重要意义。长期以来,我国果园施肥主要靠人工完成,尤其是固体肥料的深施,需人工挖沟、施肥、填土,这样不仅费时费力,而且对所施肥量不好控制,容易造成浪费,劳动强度大,工作效率低,已不满足现代水果种植的要求。而近些年来,果园施肥机械得到了快速发展,出现了一些施肥机械装置,但其存在作业工序多、功能单一,施肥深度稳定性差,肥料浪费严重,功耗大、生产效率低等问题。因此,针对以上问题以及果园开沟施肥的园艺要求,急需研发一种 ...