The utility model relates to a folding barrels of instant noodles, including the side bottom, side cover, composed of two pieces of fan shaped paper bonding, in two pieces of fan shaped adhesive paper formed at the inverted \J\ shaped bulge, the bottom surface and the bottom of the barrel is matched to the size of round paper, the bottom surface of the outer circle with the side edge of the bottom of the adhesive, the lid is slightly larger than the upper conical barrel body opening, the lid has two \C\ shaped hanging ear, the ear can be hung on the side of the inverted \J\ shaped bulge, when folded, the barrel body recovery sheet shape original fan-shaped, bottom cylindrical circular paper is folded two pieces of fan shaped pieces of homeopathy received. Using the above technique, which can overcome the instant noodles is not easy to carry, the barrel cover and the barrel body with chemical adhesive residue defects at existing products open barrel surface.
本技术要解决的技术问题在于克服现有技术缺陷,提供一种占用空间小的折叠式泡面桶。为了解决上述技术问题,本技术一种折叠式泡面桶,包括侧面、底面、桶盖,侧面由两片扇面形纸粘合而成,粘合打开后成上大下小的圆台状,在两片扇面形纸粘合处形成“倒J”形凸起,底面是与桶底大小相匹配的圆形纸,底面的最外围一圈通过食品级胶和压模技术与侧面底部边缘粘合,桶盖为略大于圆台状桶体上部开口,桶盖上有两个“C”形挂耳,打开时,桶盖上的对称设有两个“C”形挂耳能够挂在侧面的“倒J”形凸起处,折叠时,桶身恢复原来扇形的片状形态,筒状底部的圆形纸被折叠后顺势收到两片扇面形纸片里。作为改进,为了防止水将泡面桶泡湿,侧面、底面的材质均采用淋膜纸。本技术的有益效果是:整套包装扁平化,减少在携带、储存、运输过程中占用的空间,易于运输与携带,挂耳式泡面桶盖,无需使用结合剂将桶盖与桶身进行粘合,从而解决桶盖与桶身结合处粘合剂的化学物质残留问题。附图说明图1是折叠后泡面桶图;图2是展开过程中的泡面桶图;图3为盖上桶盖的泡面包装图。图中:1.侧面,2.底面,3.桶盖,4.“倒J”形凸起,5.“C”形挂耳。具体实施方式下面结合附图对本技术进行详细说明 ...