The utility model belongs to the technical field of environmental protection equipment, especially relates to a leak proof rain smoke removal roof fan, the air duct is connected with the waterproof top flange, side of the base is provided with a thread hole, at the edge of the base is provided with a rain proof plate, between the rainproof inclined plate with the base through the hinge connection. The air duct at the top, located in the lower part of the hood is provided with heat radiation holes, the air duct and the base is an integral structure, the cylinder is installed in the electrostatic precipitator, the electrostatic precipitator is located below the impeller. The utility model has the advantages that the installation mode and the installation position of the components are improved, and a rain proof sloping plate is added to prevent the rain water from entering the roof fan, thereby ensuring the service life of the roof fan. A dust removing plate is arranged in the air duct to filter the smoke in the air of the factory building, so as to prevent the pollution of the environment.
通常的轴流式屋顶风机,防雨帽介于吊环与螺纹杆之间,螺纹杆用于支撑雨帽,其下端连接在风筒法兰上;风筒下部用连接螺栓与底座连接;底座需用紧固件固定在安装基础上。在厂房通风中,屋顶风机被广泛采用。但在工程实践中却经常遇见屋顶风机漏雨的情况。(1)吊环、防雨帽与螺纹杆连接处:尽管在防雨帽与螺纹杆连接处加装有橡胶密封垫圈,可以防止雨水横向渗入,但是并不能防止雨水沿螺纹牙纵向渗入。加之垫圈安装的误差和垫圈的老化,此处的橡胶垫圈并不能有效地防止雨水渗漏。雨水沿着螺纹杆渗入,流入风筒内壁,造成漏雨。(2)风筒与底座连接处:此处应装有一圈密封橡胶,但其漏雨现象与(1)中的现象很相似,在风机不是水平安装的情况中更为明显。(3)地脚螺栓处:下雨时,雨是倾斜落下,且防雨帽对底座的防雨作用又有限,不可能完全遮挡住底座,特别是大的底座,其表面经常不平整,有小面积下凹现象。如果地脚螺栓正好位于下凹处,下凹处积水便沿地脚螺栓渗入,若水泥安装基础的防雨性不好,也会造成漏雨。这种漏雨现象在风机不是水平安装的情况中更为明显。为防屋顶风机漏雨,在实际安装工程中采用了多种方法,如在渗水处涂玻璃胶、加装密封垫圈、开引流槽等,大部分要在用户现场施工,花费大量人力和物力,在屋顶上操作也增加了施工的难度,还只能是暂时避免了漏雨,从长远考虑效果都不理想。现有风机不仅下雨时防漏性能不好,而且电机的散热问题不好。而对于具有加工设备的厂房,有的在加工过程中会产生一定量的烟雾,直接通过风机排向外界,会对环境造成一定危害。 ...