A trend type heating cooling mould, including die, die cavity is formed with the die block is added to the bottom of the insertion slot, the top of the additional processing block is inserted into a groove with groove, the groove on the bottom of the cavity layout and contour line; the additional block is inserted in the groove insert there are additional channels, additional channel block shape and die insert groove bottom, additional channel block and additional block insertion groove between the sealing material filling through thermal spraying; additional channel block is formed at the top of a groove, the groove and the groove is formed with the channel; channel through the die, both ends of the channel are respectively formed the water inlet and the water outlet of the die on the side wall of the channel; each additional block with additional block insertion slot of the mating surface are inclined inward, the tilt angle of 85~88 degrees, the die is provided with a pressing block, a pressing block by The bolt is fixed on the concave die, and the pressing block is against the additional block of the waterway to fix the additional block of the waterway.
模具是工业生产中一种非常重要的工艺装备,特别是应用压铸成型模具、塑料注射成型模具等型腔模具生产各种大型的产品,如:灯罩、笔记本外壳等;各种薄壁类产品,如:滤波器(散热片厚度为0.2mm)等也需要采用模具进行大批量生产。由于产品的结构复杂,采用模具成型是很好的选择,但由于材料的流动与凝固特点,产品的尺寸形状受到限制。材料利用模具成型为产品时,受到冷却凝固的影响,以至于在完全充满模具型腔前,已经凝固,不能获得有效的形状尺寸。特别是大型产品和薄壁类产品,由于大型产品尺寸大,材料的流动行程长,在其凝固前要有足够的时间流动;对于薄壁类产品,材料在充满型腔过程中,本身热量不多,又有温度更低的模具型腔的吸热作用,造成材料很快的冷却凝固,不能很好地充满型腔。综合上述原因,大型产品和薄壁类产品的成型因受到材料流动性的制约而得不到进一步发展,制约材料流动性的一个重要原因就是材料散热快,过早凝固。材料充满型腔取得形状后,需要均匀凝固,才不至于形成温度应力而导致产品变形。为解决大型产品和薄壁类产品的成型问题,有采用下述方法:有采用直通式水道方法,这种方法制造较为简单,在模具的型腔或型芯上采用深孔钻加工。2.有采用异形水道,即以多个直线水道交叉的形式构成,此方法采用深孔钻沿多个方向钻孔,这些孔在一些特定位置交汇贯通。3.采用半固态成型,即铝合金压铸将低熔点合金加热到半固态进行成型,同时在合金熔液中添加易于材料流动的物质。然而,采用直通式水道方法和直线交叉 ...