The utility model discloses a cylinder flanging machine, which comprises a limit device, the limiting device comprises a tailstock, wherein the tailstock screw is connected to the spindle pole is arranged coaxially, the tailstock axially along the top bar is provided with a through groove, the top bar is back on the processing the force mechanism is opened at one end of the slot force plate, baffle plate is arranged on the base, the baffle plate is located in the limit device side on the processing mechanism, the force between the plate and the baffle plate is provided with a fixed bar. Before processing, the top rod is adjusted to the proper position, even if the wind was the top round at the position, then one end of the fixing rod is penetrated through the force groove and the groove and connected with the force applying groove and a through groove of the inner wall, the other end is connected with the baffle plate relative limiting device of one side wall. The fixed rod to the force plate with a limiting force, thereby preventing force disc rotation, which prevent the top rod to ensure that in the process of top round air duct has withstood, reducing the machining error caused by the air force lost limit.
风机是依靠输入的机械能,提高气体压力并排送气体的机械,广泛用于工厂、矿井、隧道、冷却塔等工况中的冷却和通风,风机一般由圆筒形的风筒和位于风筒内的电机、扇叶等构成。为了使用时方便风筒的安装连接,一般需要在风筒两侧设置一个法兰盘式的边部,在制造时,该法兰盘式边部一般为直接将风筒两侧边向外翻转90度得到。在现有技术中通过风筒翻边机对风筒进行翻边。如公告号为CN201841196U的专利,该专利公开了一种半自动风筒翻边机,包括基座和设置于其上的主轴、动力装置、支撑装置、限位装置和加工机构,所述主轴与驱动件连接,主轴上设置有摩擦轮,所述加工机构包括支架、支撑杆和翻边压辊,所述支架上横向铰接设置有一个位于主轴上方的连接块,支撑杆贯穿连接块并与连接块螺纹配合,所述翻边压辊靠压辊座安装在支撑杆端头上,所述限位装置包括位于加工机构另一侧的尾座,尾座上端螺纹旋接有一顶杆,顶杆水平设置且轴心线与主轴轴心线位于同一垂直平面,顶杆与加工机构相对的一端设置有顶轮。加工时,支撑装置用于支撑待加工风筒;限位装置用于加工时限制住风筒未加工的一端;动力装置用于给主轴提供旋转动力,主轴转动并由其上的摩擦轮带动风筒旋转;通过旋转支撑杆调节支撑杆下端从连接块伸出的长度使其适宜,再操作支撑杆后端向上运动,使得支撑杆前端的翻边压辊下压,这样就可以利用翻边压辊和摩擦轮之间的旋转和挤压对风筒进行翻边。通过顶杆与尾座之间的螺纹配合,方便地调节顶杆前端伸出的距离,靠顶杆上的顶轮限制住风筒未加工的一端,可以适应不同长度的风筒的加工。 ...