
技术编号:15531140 阅读:221 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:57

Device, system and method for transmitting data

The invention discloses a device, a system and a method for transmitting data, belonging to the field of communication technology. The method includes: a first network node and the base station set up the first backhaul link the first network node; establish second backhaul link and low power node LPN; the first network node to the second backhaul link between the user and the base station through the LPN, the first shunt transmission base station backhaul link data. By adding the first node in the network between the base station and LPN, when the amount of downlink traffic between the base station and the LPN uplink is large or a large amount of business, between the base station and the LPN can be the first backhaul link and second backhaul link transmission data, ensure the network capacity and LPN base station backhaul link on.





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