The invention discloses a flame retardant insulation decorative board, including two on the surface of the fabric core material and the core material is arranged on the surface of the fabric surface, each outer surface is provided with a layer of flame retardant coating, flame retardant coating mortar comprises the following weight proportion: polyurethane prepolymer 30 ~ 40 from 2 to 4; dibutyl phthalate; titanate coupling agent is 0.5 to 1; 3 to 5 portions of talcum powder; calcium carbonate from 3 to 5; three to 0.5 portions of 0.1 butyl phosphate; isopropanol 0.5 ~ 1; mixed solvent of 10 - 15; 3 to 5 portions of flame retardant materials. The invention has the advantages of excellent heat insulating property and good fire prevention performance, and effectively solves the problem that the existing heat insulation material can not coexist with the heat insulation property and the fire prevention performance. As the core material, the fabric provides the required shock resistance, waterproof, impermeability and anti cracking properties, and overcomes the disadvantages of poor water resistance and low surface strength of the common inorganic insulation board.
目前的墙体保温材料,主要有模塑膨胀聚苯板(EPS)、挤塑聚苯板(XPS)、聚氨酯(PU)等有机保温板类和保温砂浆类等。有机保温材料类的导热系数虽较低,但其防火安全性能普遍较差,不燃性只能达到B1级,且燃烧过程中极易产生有毒有害气体,一旦发生火灾,往往造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。有机保温材料中,EPS、XPS遇火熔融滴落,容易引起火灾的蔓延。XPS从诞生开始,就争议不断,强度太高,透气性差,难粘接,以及尺寸稳定性差等问题,一直是工程质量的隐患,出的工程问题也很多,如脱落、开裂、空鼓等;PU保温材料遇火以后,燃烧过程中会产生大量的有毒烟气,危害更大,属于易燃品,火灾危险性大。随着外墙保温建筑节能方式的日渐普及,易燃保温材料引发的火灾时有发生,建筑保温材料已成为危险的杀手,现有建筑保温材料由于快速蔓延火势的特性,从而导致的大火来势迅猛且难以扑救,燃烧时的有毒烟气难以避免,往往导致重大的人员伤亡。为此,公安部65号文要求建筑保温材料的燃烧性能为A级。目前,在夏热冬冷地区,应用范围较广的保温砂浆类保温材料主要有无机玻化微珠保温砂浆,虽然其防火性能较好,但在工程中出现的问题也很多。主要表现在保温层开裂、保温隔热性能差、膨胀以及干密度大等,浆料的导热系数远高于标准规定值,能够达到的节能效果有限。就玻化微珠保温浆料来说,实际应用中往往采用膨胀珍珠岩代替玻化微珠,由于其强度差,搅拌易破碎,导致玻化微珠保温浆料的干密度高,浆料固化后,吸水膨胀极易造成破坏,这些因素都极大地影响了浆料的保温 ...
一种保温阻燃装饰板,其特征在于:包括芯材(1)和设置于芯材(1)的两个表面上的织物面(2),每个织物面(2)的外表面均设置有一层阻燃涂层(3),所述的阻燃涂层(3)由以下重量配比的组分组成:聚氨酯预聚体30~40份;邻苯二甲酸二丁酯2~4份;钛酸酯偶联剂0.5~1份;滑石粉3~5份;轻质碳酸钙3~5份;磷酸三丁酯 0.1~0.5份;异丙醇0.5~1份;混合溶剂10~15份;阻燃材料3~5份。