The invention discloses an oral liquid medicine plastic bottle cap which is composed of two parts, a top cover and a bottle connecting part. The connecting part including a bottle and the outer tube, the outer tube is recovery pipe and the connecting plate is divided into three parts, the lower part is connected to the inner wall of the tube, a screw top bottle bottle; the connecting plate is positioned on a connecting pipe and a wall is connected at a lower end; shielding umbrella, center of the Ministry of by four, and a connecting rod is connected with the inner wall of the bottle, recovery pipe is positioned in the middle part of the connecting part, through the penetration hole into a plate and a recovery, even as a whole, is the lowest for the drainage tube into the hole in the recovery liquid recovery board, drainage tube and smaller than the diameter of the umbrella cover is the diameter of the drainage tube, the mouth edge is slightly lower than the edge of the upper umbrella cover. The invention has the function of ensuring that the liquid medicine does not flow into the bottle body and saves the physic liquor.
本专利技术的目的在于提供一种使用方便,可完全防止倒取药液后,残留在瓶口外壁的药液流向瓶体外表面,进而污染台、桌面和患者再次拿握药瓶的手的口服药液塑料药瓶盖。为实现上述目的,本专利技术采取的技术方案是:一种口服药液塑料药瓶盖,由顶盖和瓶连结部两部分组成;其特征是:顶盖一侧由软连接与回收管的外壁相连接;顶盖另一侧设有开启板;瓶连结部包括出药管和外管,出药管竖轴心与外管的竖轴心相重;外管的内部被回收板和连接板分为上、中、下三部分,上部为回收管,回收管的底为回收板,回收板与出药管连为一体,回收板向回收液入孔倾斜;出药管上口高于回收管管口;引流管行走于外管的中部和出药管内,其上口为回收液入孔,通过穿入孔进入出药管内,延行到出药管的中心部后,垂直向下继续延伸直至遮挡伞口以下;外管内连接板以下的部分为瓶连接管;连接板位于瓶连接管与出药管之间;遮挡伞位于出药管内下端中心部,由四根连接杆与出药管相连接;引流管下口的直径小于遮挡伞上口的直径,引流管下口的中心与遮挡伞上口中心及伞的顶点位于同一轴线上,引流管下口边缘低于遮挡伞上口的边缘。本专利技术的有益效果:第一,可以确保无论患者从药瓶的哪个侧面往外倒药液,残留在出药管口的药液都不会流到瓶体外污染台、桌面或患者 ...