The invention discloses a device for the continuous growth of graphene roll roll, including table, table is fixed on one end of the first vacuum chamber, the other end fixed table second vacuum chamber, the vacuum tube is arranged between the first chamber and second chamber, the other end of the first vacuum chamber is provided with an air inlet, the other end is provided with a vacuum chamber second the air outlet, the vacuum tube near the end of the first vacuum chamber is provided with a PE coil, vacuum tube vacuum chamber near the second end is provided with a touch screen, the heating furnace is arranged between the coil and the PE touch screen; the first vacuum chamber is fixed with a copper foil installation shaft, second vacuum cavity is provided with a rotary motor, copper foil installed between the shaft and the rotary distribution of copper foil motor. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, followed by the distribution table of the first vacuum chamber, PE coil, heating furnace, vacuum chamber second rapid growth of graphene, graphene to achieve fast, continuous and large-scale industrial production, meet the basic needs of the market.
石墨烯是目前世界上最薄也是最硬的纳米材料,它几乎是完全透明的,在全波段仅吸收约2.3%的光;导热系数高达5300W/m·K,高于碳纳米管和金刚石;常温下其电子迁移率超过15000cm2/V·s,超过碳纳米管和硅晶体,而电阻率只约10-6Ω·cm,比铜或银的更低,是目前世上电阻率最小的材料。由于石墨烯是集超高机械强度、良好导热性、高光学透明度和超强导电性等优异性质于一体的新型材料,它不仅适合基础物理研究,如分数量子霍尔效应、室温下整数量子霍尔效应等,而且在显示、能源、探测、光电子等领域具有广阔的应用前景,如分子探测器、热导/热界面材料、场发射源、超级电容器、太阳能电池、石墨烯锂电池、场效应晶体管及集成电路、透明导电电极等等。石墨烯的应用研究具有极大的市场前景,它将给众多研究领域带来革命性的转变,如:用石墨烯超级电容制成的锂电池可实现1分钟快速充电,且可实现大功率、高效率的放电,这不仅打破了传统锂电充电缓慢的限制,也将为电动汽车行业的推广与发展,而且还对环境的保护,绿色能源的发展提供了新的机遇;石墨烯场效应晶体管的性能将远超过硅晶体管,由于石墨烯电阻率极低,电子跑的速度极快,因此被期待用来发展出更薄、导电速度更快的新一代电子元件或晶体管,因为石墨烯与硅有很好的兼容性,所以将来有望替代整个硅基工业;石墨烯透明导电电极不仅具有良好的导电性质及高的透光性,还表现出很好的柔韧性和机械强度,性能优于目前市场上常用的氧化铟锡透明电极,而且成本低,对环境无污染, ...