The utility model relates to a a.gifuensis stiff aphid box, which is composed of an outer box and the inner box, the outer box is a square body open at both ends, the inner box is a side opening and a stiff aphid square slot and inner box inserted in the outer box, a hanging rope through between the inner box and the back the outer box, the outer box and the inner box is made of paper material easily degradation made outside the box and close enough to make the inner box set was launched on the formation of the mouth toward the bee fixed without slipping, bee mouth width is about 2mm, the inner box filling amount of mummified aphids accounted for within the volume of the box 1/3. The cultivation of good stiff aphid into the inner box, refrigerated container transport to the tobacco field, when used, will be launched within the box formed about 2mm wide release, thereby hanging in tobacco leaves, a.gifuensis after emergence and flew out of the bee mouth spread to tobacco for parasitic aphid the rigid die. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenient manufacture, material protection and environmental protection, and the box body energy can effectively protect the stiff aphid, so as to benefit the emergence and diffusion of the bee.
烟蚜(MyzuspersicaeSulzer)又名桃蚜或桃赤蚜,别名腻虫,属同翅目蚜虫科,是农作物的重要害虫,在烤烟生长期,对烟草造成危害。烟蚜喜欢聚集在烟株幼嫩烟叶背面或嫩茎上刺吸取食汁液。为害严重时,造成烟株生长缓慢、植株矮小、叶片卷缩、变小、变薄,其分泌的蜜露常诱发煤烟病,使烟叶表面变黑、腐烂、叶柄处变脆,同时烟蚜又是烟草黄瓜花叶病和马铃薯Y病毒等多种病毒的传播媒介。所以,烟蚜危害烟株后对烤烟产量、品质及产值都能造成极大的影响。因此,在整个烤烟的生产过程中要采取科学合理的方法对烟蚜进行有效防治,以减少烟蚜对烟株的危害及损失。烟草是我国重要的经济作物之一。烟草的经济价值较高,多生产优质烟叶,既能满足国内烟草卷烟工业需要,对外出口换汇,增加国家税收,支援国家建设;又能发展农村经济,增加烟农收入。烟草生产是国家工农业生产的重要组成部分。因此,尽量减少烟蚜对烟叶的危害至关重要。目前,防治烟蚜可采取的防治方法主要有:农业防治、药剂防治和生物防治。但主要依赖于药剂防治,而由于化学农药的长期使用,使烟蚜产生了较强的抗药性,增加了防治难度,提高了化学农药的使用量,农残日益剧增,给土壤、水资源、生态环境以及人类的身体健康造成了巨大的负面影响。而烟蚜茧蜂(AphidiusgifuensisAshmead)是烟蚜的一种优势寄生蜂,也可寄生多种其它蚜虫,且易于人工大量繁殖。应用烟蚜茧蜂防治烟蚜,不仅可以减少烟蚜对烟草的危害,还可以减少农药的使用量,从而保护环境 ...