
技术编号:15400184 阅读:157 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-24 08:31

Method for establishing voice bearer and access network device

The embodiment of the invention discloses a method and a voice bearer access network equipment, terminal for establishing a voice bearer, the terminal resides in the first access network equipment provided by the community, and the first access network equipment is not suitable for the establishment of a voice bearer, the method includes: the first access network equipment the receiving device sends core network bearer establishment request message, wherein the bearer establishment request message for the voice bearer establishment the first access network equipment; the first access network equipment sent to the core network equipment carrying established response message, the carrier based response message is used to notify the voice of core network equipment bearing successfully established the first access network equipment; the terminal is switched to the target cell, and trigger a voice carried on the target cell in the process of switching Establish. By adopting the invention, the voice call delay can be reduced when the cell switching is carried out at the terminal.





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