The utility model relates to a liquid temperature control experiment box, which is used for the temperature stabilization control device of an optical fiber liquid temperature sensing experiment. The utility model is composed of a heating box, a nested box, an earthquake proof support fixed column, an electric heating wire, a temperature sensing probe, a temperature control device, etc.. Its features are: the structure design of heating box separates the outside temperature changes, interference vibration proof supporting fixed column isolation box is located outside of the nested fiber vibration and nested box liquid caused by the vibration, temperature of the heating wire laying structure makes the fiber uniform and smooth, uniform temperature sensing probe is fixed on the double on the lower side of the optical fiber so that the temperature is more accurate, can reduce the temperature to control the cooling process by controlling the injection and release of the circulating liquid velocity and temperature. The digital liquid temperature experiment box with a smooth temperature control can effectively improve the stability and evenness of the temperature rise and fall, and can easily and rapidly carry out the construction and implementation of the temperature sensing experiment.
光纤具有频带宽、损耗低、重量轻、抗干扰能力强、保真度高、工作性能可靠、成本低等优点,是目前通信和传感领域最具有发展前景的一种传输介质。其中在传感领域,基于光纤的传感器具有质量轻、耐腐蚀、防爆、不受电磁干扰、可埋入其它材料等优点,是传统的基于电信号的传感器所无法比拟的,但是光纤传感器的结构、制作、技术等方面还不是特别成熟。无论对现在已得到广泛应用的传感性能的提高,还是拓展光纤传感的新领域,都需要对光纤传感进行大量的实验。光纤传感器对温度比较敏感,在进行其他光纤传感实验时避免不了温度对于传感性能的影响,因此在温度传感实验中需要一种能够平稳控制温度并且准确显示温度值的实验仪器。目前,用于温度传感的实验仪器主要分为两种,一种是在空气中温度升降,即温度控制箱通过热电偶传感器来控制电阻炉管道内的空气温度。该方法存在很大的误差,光纤通过的电阻炉管道是通透的,由于空气具有流动性,靠近加热部分的温度和电阻炉内温度传感器探测部分的温度差别很大,升降温速度很难控制,尤其是高温时,瞬时温度变化速度很对,读数误差很大;另一种是水浴温度实验箱,电热丝和温度传感器探头同时安装在实验箱底部,通过一个控制模块来实现温度控制和显示,虽然水浴升降温比空气中升降温来说平稳的多,但是在加热过程中会伴随有气泡的产生、设备震动等干扰因素,由于光纤传感器不仅对温度敏感对振动、应力等也很敏感,所以对实验数据造成的影响很大。恒温恒湿箱也是常用温度传感实验仪器之一,在平稳控 ...