The invention relates to the technical field of lightning protection devices, in particular to a lightning protection grounding rod and a preparation method thereof, and a lightning protection grounding system. Lightning protection grounding rod comprises a main rod, a main rod comprises a core body and a conductive layer, a conductive layer by plating coated on the core body; corrosion protection layer is coated between the core body and the conductive layer, corrosion protective layer is made of titanium metal. The lightning protection grounding rod using the preparation method of titanium material for corrosion protection coating between the core body and the conductive layer, because titanium metal has strong corrosion resistance, is not affected by the atmosphere and sea water, at room temperature is not dilute hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid or alkali solution corrosion only, hot concentrated hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid and so on to it, and has high mechanical strength, good ductility and other characteristics, the lightning protection made by plating corrosion protective layer of titanium material grounding rod has strong corrosion resistance, can effectively prolong the service life of the grounding rod strengthen safety, lightning protection and grounding system.
接地棒,又名接地极、接地网。接地棒是以提高接地导体内部导电性能,降低接地导体外部土壤电阻率为理论依据所设计生产的,普遍适用于通信、电力、交通、金融、石化、建筑系统等诸多领域,如通信局(站)、移动基站、调度机房、变电站、高速公路设施、计算机房、智能化小区等对接地要求严格的单位和部门,采用该结构均可以构成性能优良的接地系统。市场上使用的接地棒多为铜—钢、铜—镍—钢复合型金属接地材料和镀锌钢接地材料制成,但是,铜、钢、锌金属耐腐蚀性能较差,埋入地下受土壤环境影响腐蚀严重。针对镀铜钢接地材料,其腐蚀主要有化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀两种形式,在多数情况下,这两种腐蚀同时存在。其中,铜层受到腐蚀或在施工过程中收到外力破坏后,暴露在土壤或空气中的钢芯会急速腐烂,最终造成接地系统缺陷,大大加剧了维修维护的工程量。目前,现有接地装置的腐蚀表现主要为:接地极、接地线截面逐渐变小,有的变电站在开挖检查时甚至找不到水平接地极,这是由于原来的钢材水平接地极已完全腐蚀掉,变成和周围土壤差不多的残渣。由于腐蚀作用,接地装置的热稳定性能已不能满足要求,接地装置失去泄流能力。一旦发生接地装置事故,就会造成地电位升高出现“反击”现象,很快摧毁电网中的直流、保护、通信、低压线路等二次设备和低压系统,接着造成事故扩大,有的引发直流、保护、控制室着火,有的引发变压器、发电机等重要设备损坏,有的引发变电站、发电厂全停,有的甚至发展成严重的系统事故,给社会带来巨大的损失。专 ...