The invention discloses a diaphragm type heating system in the constant pressure device comprises a vertical tank body is arranged in the tank body, the diaphragm is divided into water chamber and gas chamber, the water chamber through the flange and pipe three connected, the remaining two branch pipe three are respectively arranged on the No.1 valve and a drain valve. 1 valve and the circulation pipeline communicated with the circulation pipeline, connected with a plurality of water supply pipe, water supply pipe is sequentially provided with a check valve, gate valve and pump flange II to facilitate the installation of pumps, nitrogen gas chamber and the top of the tank body in the injection hole, an installation hole communicated with pressure gauge. The diaphragm of the invention divides the inner cavity into the water chamber and a gas chamber, water chamber is communicated with the circulation pipeline, connected circulating pipeline with multiple water supply pipeline, the gas chamber and the nitrogen injection hole, a pressure gauge communicated with the installation hole, the invention does not vaporize, overpressure, single air can be used for a long time, the sealing performance well, drink no contact, avoid oxidation corrosion.
在水锅炉高低温供热系统、锅炉房热换站供热系统中常常需要安装稳定可靠的定压装置。供热系统中的定压装置原理是基于波马气体定律,波马定律是指一定质量的理想气体,在温度不变的情况下,其压强跟体积成反比。上述所说的理想气体是指严格遵从气态方程的气体,气态方程是指PV=(m/M)RT=nRT。在研究定理时就已经把空间气当作理想气体。温度不变就是说气体分子所具有的内能不变,分子当然也想保持气体的体积不变。所以当我们为了研究把气体体积压缩后它内部的分子间就又会拼命地用力互相推挤,想通过保持原来距离的方式来保持原来的体积,所以压强增大。反之,压强减小。所以其压强跟体积成反比。这就是波马定律。定压装置设备采用系统静压作为膨胀水箱内的设计初始压力水头,采用保证系统内热水不汽化的压力作为膨胀水箱内动行终端压力水头。初始运行时首先启动补水泵向系统及气压罐内的水室中充水,系统充满后多余的水被挤进罐体内。因为水的不可压缩性,随着水量的不断增加,水室的体积也不断的扩大而压罐体容积,罐内的压力也不断的升高。当压力达到设计压力时,通过压力控制器使补水泵关闭。当系统内的水受热膨胀使系统压力升高超过设计压力时,多余的水通过安全阀排至补水箱循环使用,当系统中的水由于泄露或温度下降而体积缩小,系统压力降低时,罐体中的水被不断压入管网补充系统的压降损失,当系统压力至设计允许的最低压力时,通过压力控制器使补水泵重新启动向管网及气压罐内补水,如此周而复始。但是,现有的定压装置在使用过程中还存在着 ...