The utility model discloses a steering wheel with composite drill, which comprises a bit body, wheel, wheel is arranged on the ring gear wheel can rotate relative to the drill bit body, the body is provided with at least one steering wheel, the steering wheel and the steering wheel by the seat, steering seat is installed on the body of the drill bit through the rotary connection. A bit of physical rotation relative to the wheel, mounted on the steering seat through a connecting disc, a rotating relative to the axis of rotation of the steering wheel, relative rotation axis seat are offset and offset is greater than the radius of the wheel gear ring 1/20, less than three times the diameter of the wheel gear ring, close to the steering wheel drill core the steering rotation axis and axis of the drill bit seat do not coincide, the drill body is also provided with a fixed cutting structure or non fixed cutting structure. The utility model solves the problem that the life of the wheel disk cutting tooth is too short, and simultaneously, the rock breaking efficiency of the drill bit can be improved.
钻头是钻井工程中用以破碎岩石、形成井筒的破岩工具。盘式钻头(也称盘形钻头、碟形钻头或碟式钻头)是一种全新齿形结构的钻头,其齿面制成与牙轮(或称轮盘)母线垂直或成一定螺旋角的圆环形连续或断续齿圈。盘式钻头的破岩机理不同于常规的牙轮钻头,当齿圈沿岩石滚碾时,利用大的接触应力迫使岩石破碎,形成环形的岩石破碎带。由于齿圈成圆环形,便于牙轮(或称轮盘)在岩石上的连续滚动,因此,与三牙轮钻头相比盘式钻头的工作载荷较平稳,轴承所受的载荷波动幅度也要小得多。不同规格类型的盘式钻头的台架试验和工业试验结果都表明,与常规的三牙轮钻头相比,盘式钻头在硬、极硬、研磨性地层和深井、小井眼的钻进更为有效。上世纪中期,在前苏联、美国、法国、英国等国家都有盘式钻头的研究和试验,当时的台架实验和现场实验的结果都显示出良好的前景,但今天却难以见到盘式钻头在钻井中的使用。盘式钻头切削齿(齿盘)的疲劳破坏、齿圈塑变和磨料磨损是其主要失效形式。钻头在井底工作时的工况非常复杂,钻头工作时发生振动(包括轴向振动和横向振动)是不可避免的,钻头的横向振动是造成轮盘疲劳破坏、齿圈塑变和磨损的主要因素之一。因为钻头发生横向振动时,轮盘将会沿着垂直(或接近垂直)于轮盘圆周方向相对岩石滑移刮切,即轮盘横向刮切岩石。轮盘横向刮切岩石将直接造成轮盘齿圈的折损和塑变,并加剧轮盘齿圈的磨损。盘式钻头没有真正在现场推广应用的主要原因就是切削齿的寿命太短,难以满足钻井的要求。钻头体 ...