The invention relates to a method for using digital indentation machine to achieve self variable method, from the indentation include: setting the first initial position paper G0, pitch coefficient X, telephoto number N and distance reducing number M; transmitting the I interval indentation piece of paper into the indentation machine, input the first piece of paper, the initial position of G0 pitch line number X, increase from the Zhang number N, Zhang M, the number of distance reducing number of I; according to the thickness of the paper, the first piece of paper are respectively set the initial position G0, pitch coefficient X, telephoto number N and distance reducing number M, subsequent feed paper, according to the procedure of automatic variable indentation; the first automatic variable paper indentation position; at the same time, because of the increasing number of sheets from the N and M according to the actual distance reducing number of input value of indentation, users can according to the actual demand, flexible adjustment of binding specifications, the invention can be used for enterprise product brochures, catalogs, albums and other books indentation, especially In the thick book page page indentation, convenient bookbinding after reading.
书籍是人类进步的阶梯,亦是文化传承的重要载体。书籍的诞生至今,伴随着印刷工业的不断进步,其制作工艺也得到了相应的提升,进而人们对书籍的需求也有所转变。不局限于的单一的实用性,更多的开始着眼于书籍的易用性、美观度、个性化与档次感等诸多需求。为不同客户定制更适合其的产品显得尤为重要,也是增加产品附加值的核心环节。这就对书籍的装订工艺及其装订设备有了更进一步的要求。数码压痕机的出现,为个性化书籍装订提供了有力技术支持。数码压痕机作为一种印后处理设备,在纸张表面形成垂直方向的压痕,并且无需制作模板即可在纸张上任意位置进行一次或多次压痕,广泛应用于印刷、装订、包装、装饰等行业。目前市场上的数码压痕机多数为只能在指定位置处压痕,将多张相同规格的纸张压痕,然后堆叠进行胶订封装;由于纸张本身具有厚度,在多张纸相同位置压痕叠加后,翻页时会显得特别厚重、不顺畅且难以停留在当前页,不利于翻阅,尤其是纸张较厚的书籍(如:毕业纪念册、写真相册、菜谱等)。同时对书脊面胶订层的牢固度产生影响,多次翻页后可能会出现内页脱落现象。传统的数码压痕机的压痕方法的弊端就更加明显。因此,单一压痕位置的压痕方式并不适应纸张较厚的书籍;此类书册需要依次不同位置压制翻书痕,使用常规的压痕机需要人工录入数据、多批次、多位置的压制,效率低、效果差,对操作人员的技术要求也更高,不利于当下小批量、多样化的产品市场。针对上述现有技术存在的不足,在先申请专利,申请号:20131013063 ...