The invention discloses a device and a method for shortening the time interval of continuous steel tapping in a steel rolling production line, belonging to the field of steel rolling production line equipment and process technology, and being used to shorten the time interval of continuous steel tapping in a steel rolling production line. The technical scheme is: the first mill at a distance of the center line of a whole section of the billet length position in the first rolling mill before placing a hot metal detector, steel tail signal with this hot metal detector is monitored instead of biting the steel mill when the signal. When the identification to behind the billet head just bite the first rolling mill, rolling mill main motor AC first started downhill. To ensure reasonable steel separation distance, the rolling speed, low speed duration and low speed setting of the downstream frame are continuously improved. In order to achieve the first steel mill as safety steel, guarantee the normal operation of equipment to achieve the key follow-up, without affecting the production process of the shortened billet rolling interval, improve production efficiency and greatly reduce the effect of energy consumption.
“轧钢”是钢材生产中的最后一个环节。将加热炉预热后的不同规格的钢坯,依次经过在一条直线上放置的十数架或者数十架数量不等的、由交直流励磁电机拖动的连轧轧机,轧制成为不同规格的成品钢材。这一生产过程属于金属压力加工。从首架轧机开始到末架轧机结束,连轧中的钢坯每经过一架轧机,钢坯都会被轧机的两组轧辊压缩一定大小的尺寸。并且每经过一架轧机后,根据体积秒流量相等的原理,经过轧制,直径缩小后的钢坯的行进速度要比轧制前快。因此经过连轧轧机轧制的钢坯的行进速度是不断被加快的,并且在经过产线最末端的成品轧机后速度会达到最大。原有的轧钢工艺,从加热炉出炉后的相邻两根钢坯之间总会严格的保持数秒的时间间隔,用以保证活套、飞剪正常动作所依据的自动化热金属检测器信号能够识别出相邻两钢。现代轧钢工艺采用的是无张力轧制,在每两架轧机间都有一座能够起落的活套装置。在活套扫描器识别到有钢经过后会做出起套动作,将钢向上顶起,形成一个拱形,目的是防止轧机间经常出现的堆钢事故。而在活套扫描器的有钢信号消失之后又会做出落套动作,落到低位,等待下一次识别到有钢信号时再执行起套动作。如果在无钢的情况下没有落到低位就会导致后面行进中的钢撞到升起的活套辊上造成堆钢。同理,位于轧线中后端的、用于切头切尾和切倍尺的飞剪也依靠各自的热金属检测器信号的正常识别来做出剪切动作。因此,假如缩短出炉后的相邻两根钢坯之间的时间间隔将其头尾相连轧制,就会使得热金属检测 ...