The invention discloses a graphene cap, comprising a cap with the peak, the utility model is characterized in that the cap is composed of fiber Shi Moxi. Hats have a huge consumer market, fashion is a barometer of consumption. With the improvement of people's living standards, the role of hats is no longer the original meaning of the role, but with its consumption level and consumption grade upgrade, evolved into a \beauty\ and \fashion\ logo. Therefore, if the graphene into such consumption trend, and will also pull graphene like underwear can fashion hat in this industry so as to promote the development of practical demand, multiple graphene in this industry. In a difficult way through high-tech means to realize the price of graphene civilians, and to find a way out of the practical use of graphene, it can be achieved through hundreds of millions of women. The invention has the same shape and texture, and can be washed or dried at high temperature or ultra high temperature. Potential elements that are highly sought after by fashion and fashion or even luxury.
石墨烯是一种二维碳材料,是单层石墨烯、双层石墨烯和少层石墨烯的统称。石墨烯是已知的世上最薄、最坚硬的纳米材料,它几乎是完全透明的,只吸收2.3%的光;导热系数高达5300W/m·K,高于碳纳米管和金刚石,常温下其电子迁移率超过15000cm2/V·s,又比纳米碳管或硅晶体高,而电阻率只约10-8Ω·m,比铜或银更低,为世上电阻率最小的材料。因其电阻率极低,电子迁移的速度极快,因此被期待可用来发展更薄、导电速度更快的新一代电子元件或晶体管。由于石墨烯实质上是一种透明、良好的导体,也适合用来制造透明触控屏幕、光板、甚至是太阳能电池。被誉为“21世纪神奇材料”的石墨烯,以其神奇特性承载着人们的无数想象。世界主要国家均高度重视发展石墨烯相关产业,期待它带来巨大的市场价值。2014年10月,美国麻省理工学院研究人员发现,揉皱的石墨烯纸可用于制备易弯曲、折叠或拉伸到其原始大小800%的超级电容器,且揉皱-平复1000次其性能也不发生明显降低。石墨烯是单原子层的二维晶体材料,也是结构最为简单的碳材料。常见的石墨材料可以看作由石墨烯层层堆叠而成,因此石墨烯也被视作“单层石墨”。被誉为“21世纪神奇材料”的石墨烯是目前已知的世上最薄、最坚硬、室温下导电性最好而且拥有强大灵活性的纳米材料:它可以薄到只有一个碳原子的厚度,1毫米厚的石墨薄片中能剥离出300万层石墨烯;它很硬,其强度比钢还要高200倍;在室温下,电阻率最低的物质是银,而石墨烯的电阻率比银还小;它透明而不透气……种种特性使石墨烯未来在触摸 ...