The invention relates to a mink breeding aquaculture feed, the preparation method is as follows: (1) to clean up all kinds of raw materials, the removal of inclusions of sediment and iron, and then all solid material grinding; (2) the corn flour 20 40 copies, 30 copies, 10 imported fishmeal were 10 30 copies, 5 blood meal 10, 5, 1 malt 0.5 cottonseed oil 1, yeast 0.5 1 copies, 1 copies of the 0.5 compound vitamin weighing for the first time after mixing, rapid quenching and tempering aging; (3) a good feed mixed with cooked material two times mixed with 10 soybean oil 20 mixing granulator by pressing a particle, cooling to make products. The prepared feed can replenish the needed mink breeding period of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, improve the reproductive success rate; reduce the incidence of disease of mink, improve the survival rate of pups; promoting mink in the digestive tract of protein and fat and carbohydrate digestion and absorption; improve the gastrointestinal microecology of mink environment; save feed costs, improve the quality and economic benefit of breeding mink fur.
水貂皮是一种珍贵的裘皮,品种颜色多种多样,价格昂贵,有“裘皮之王”的美称。从水貂皮的品质和价值看,其利用率也高于狐、貉皮等大毛细皮,国内市场潜力很大。水貂皮以其毛绒齐短、光亮华贵而著称,是制作衣服、衣领、帽子、袖口和饰口的主要原料皮,利用面较广,需求量亦大。发展水貂生产的经济价值,除毛皮外,其他副产品价值也相当可观。水貂肉味美可口、营养丰富,含蛋白质高,热量大。据测定,水貂肉中含干物质38.4%,其中蛋白质18%、脂肪12%。每100g肉含热量为3320J,目前水貂肉成为一种具有特殊风味的野味佳肴。此外,水貂的内脏对贫血和风湿性关节炎有一定疗效。利用水貂的心脏,有关科研部门已试制成功一种貂心丸,专治风湿性心脏病,临床试验证明效果显著。水貂肝脏的B族维生素含量极其丰富,是提炼维生素的极佳原料。水貂的脂肪富含不饱和脂肪酸,常温下较稳定,熔点低,无黏性,无臭无毒,没有刺激性,浸透力强,易乳化,是制作高级化妆品的优质原料,而且对皮肤病(湿疹、皮肤过敏)的治疗及预防有良好效果,特别对干燥鳞状的皮肤炎效果更明显。人工养殖水貂,已作为一门新兴的特种养殖业,在我国虽然还只是最近几十年的事情,特别是近几年在全国各地,自发地掀起一股养貂热潮,很多养殖者已取得了可观的经济效益。但目前水貂养殖大部分处于散户小规模状态,使用的饲料多是原生态的小鱼虾,少有科学的、针对水貂生长周期中各个时期的专门配方饲料。水貂为季节性繁殖动物,每年在2~3月发情、交配,4月末或5月初 ...