The invention relates to the technical field of reactor production, in particular to a novel reactor iron core and a preparation process thereof. The new type of reactor core, comprising a plurality of silicon steel sheet, a supporting frame and weftless tape, wherein the support frame comprises a vertical frame surface, perpendicular to the frame surfaces of the legs, legs parallel to the rack; the silicon steel sheet in parallel symmetrically arranged two support racks, two the supporting rack clamped silicon steel sheet, and non-woven tape fixed closely together. Compared with the existing technology, this method is the use of a silicon steel core fastening pieces are clamped in the support frame, and then non latitude belt winding, the iron core from the source to eliminate the scattered development may, without loosening the silicon steel, and is not affected by aging, eliminate the noise source, and solves the technology from the problem of noise for a long time the iron core reactor.
电抗器作为一种重要无功补偿设备在电力系统中有着广泛的应用,其中铁心电抗器与空心电抗器、油浸式电抗器等同类产品有着明显的优势,例如漏磁少、损耗低、占用空间小,噪音低,防潮、阻燃,易维护等。然而铁心电抗器同其他电力设备一样都存在着噪声、温升等方面的问题。电抗器的噪声是判断电抗器结构性能的重要指标,它反映了电抗器生产及装配质量,影响到电抗器的使用寿命。电抗器的噪声主要来源于铁心的机械振动和线圈电磁噪音。传统方法制作电抗器铁芯时采用穿芯螺杆夹紧,浸脂固化成型工艺:在每片裁剪后的硅钢片中部冲一个通孔,整理后用一根包有绝缘层的螺杆将所有硅钢片穿在一起,然后,用螺母夹紧螺杆两端,制成铁芯饼初坯,铁芯饼初坯浸脂固化后即成铁芯饼。该制作工艺存在的缺陷为:硅钢片冲孔后,孔面积占用了硅钢片的有效导磁截面,不但减少了铁芯饼的导磁截面,增加了机加工损耗,而且还存在铁芯绝缘多点接地的隐患。特别是,起夹紧作用的螺杆位于铁芯饼中部,导致硅钢片的两侧反而在中部夹紧力的作用下变为散展形状,造成铁芯饼周边片间间隙增加,致使磁振动声源扩大,增加了产品的电磁噪声,工艺性差,可靠性低。为解决钢片间紧固力不够,产生片间松动,发生噪音,影响产品的寿命和安全运行的问题,中国专利技术专利申请公布号CN101707136A提供了一种电抗器铁芯饼的制作方法,采用将浸脂后的板片外围绑扎无纬带,使板片结合在一起,但是这种制作方法存在工序繁琐,制备效率低下,成本高等缺点,且铁芯上绑扎的无纬带实质上只能 ...