
技术编号:15317695 阅读:78 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-16 00:20
二乙苯胺是一种重要的化工原料。双乙酰化工序:将水放入乙酰化釜内,冷却至0~5℃备用。将苯胺、双乙烯酮加入乙酰化釜内,反应温度维持在12~20℃,然后边反应边降温,在2h内降至5~-5℃,即可出锅。脱水工序:将反应好的物料放至管式过滤器,用压缩空气将母液水压出,然后向管式过虑器加水调浆,经自动脱水机进行离心脱水,使水份降至20%以下。分离出来的母液、水洗后的废水全部回用。母液罐中的母液套用30 批后排放。干燥工序:将离心脱水后的物料,经气流干燥装置进行干燥,热风进口温度控制在76~79℃,夏季塔顶温度达到38℃,冬季塔顶温度达到30℃,风压控制在1100Pa以上。干燥后的物料装入集包袋,经分析合格,装入锥形配合柜。

Process for producing two ethyl aniline

Two ethyl aniline is an important chemical raw material. Diacetyl chemical sequence: put water into the acetylation reactor, cooled to 0 to 5 DEG C for standby. The aniline, diketene adding acetylation reactor, reaction temperature is maintained at 12 to 20 DEG C, and reaction temperature, in the range of 2H ~ -5 to 5 DEG C, you can pan. The dehydration process: the reaction of the material into the tubular filter, use compressed air to water pressure and water to the mother liquor, mixing type filter tube, the automatic dehydration machine for centrifugal dewatering, the water below 20%. The separated mother liquor and the wastewater after washing are all reused. The mother liquor tank of mother liquor using 30 group after discharge. The drying process: the centrifugal dewatering material, the air flow drying device for drying, hot air inlet temperature control at 76 to 79 DEG C, the temperature reached 38 degrees in summer, in winter the temperature reached 30 degrees, the pressure control in more than 1100Pa. The dried material is loaded into the collecting bag and is qualified to fit into the cone matching cabinet.





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