The invention relates to a method for wireless communication of meteorological release, can timely and accurately the distribution of meteorological information effectively the method of release to the public and the public environment, first from the meteorological information release center to publish meteorological information transmitted to the information sent to the server, the server will send the information to the public network or wireless network information system then, by the public network or wireless network system will be issued meteorological information transmitted to the meteorological information release terminal, realization of meteorological information available to the public through public wireless network system, including the technical scheme of meteorological information publisher, meteorological information release terminals and wireless public network three logic module, wireless public network connection meteorological information center with the meteorological information release terminal, information has good accuracy, release speed, good timeliness, The utility model has the advantages of wide range of publication, low cost, good effect, etc..
:本专利技术的目的在于克服现有技术中存在的缺点,寻求提供一种气象信息及时发布的系统解决方案,该方案可以实现气象信息的直接、实时地面向公众发布,气象信息发布部门在公共场所设置气象信息发布大屏幕显示装置,利用无线通信的方式接收来自气象发布中心的气象信息,实现实时、直接的气象信息发布。通过在机关、学校、医院、居民小区、宾馆酒店、机场、车站、广场、交通要道、高速路口等公共场所安装气象信息发布终端,能够在第一时间直接将气象信息发布给公众,以增强预警能力,从而最大程度地 ...